Twenty-Seven: I Bet You Think About Me(Feat. Chris Stapleton)(Taylor's Version)

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"I bet you couldn't believe when you realized I'm harder to forget than I was to leave" 

I wake up with an unfamiliar beeping noise coming from across the room. I roll over, trying to rub my eyes open. Why the hell was it so loud? Still half asleep, I push the covers back and get out of bed, walking lazily to the dresser the alarm clock sat on. It takes me a minute to find the off button. Did I buy a new clock or something? I turn off the noise, taking a second to look around the room. I wasn't at home. I was at Steve's, in Hawkins. I don't think I've ever woken up so disoriented.

We'd gotten here pretty late last night, and after finding out about the dog, Steve showed me where the guest room was and I just went to sleep. I was so exhausted I forgot to call Joyce. She told me she wanted to know that I got here okay. Shit, she was probably so worried.

I leave the room, and walk down the hallway towards the stairs, noticing Steve's door was still closed. He might not even be up yet. I head down the stairs quickly, walking back to the kitchen where I remembered the phone was, hanging on the wall. I dial our phone number, listening to it ring.

My eyes flick over to the clock hanging on the wall, seeing it was seven o'clock in the morning. In California it was three hours behind, so it was four in the morning there. Oops.

Just as I'm about to hang up, Joyce answers groggily. "Lauren?"

"Yeah it's me," I sigh. "I'm sorry I woke you up, I forgot about the time difference."

"It's okay, hun. As long as you got there, that's all that matters," she laughs, trying to talk quietly.

"I did, I met a lady on the flight who helped me find my suitcase after we landed. She got me to Steve and Robin," I say, my eyes widening when I see Nova running straight at me.

She starts barking like crazy, as if she forgot I was here all night and it was a surprise to see me in the morning.

"Nova be quiet," I say, petting her to get her to calm down. I wasn't sure if Steve was still asleep or not.

"Did Robin get a dog?" Joyce asks.

The second she asks this it reminds me that I'd forgotten to tell her I wasn't staying at Robin's but rather Steve's.

"Uh, no she didn't," I say, turning behind me to see Nova now drinking water from her dish. "It's actually Steve's new dog. I uh, forgot to tell you, but Robin's grandparents are staying with her for the week and I wasn't able to stay with her, so I'm at Steve's instead."

The silence behind the phone was all I needed to know that I knew exactly what Joyce was thinking.

"Oh, okay," she says easily. I knew she wouldn't have a problem with it but she'd assume things were different to how they are. And I knew as soon as I got back home, the questions from her would be relentless.

"What are you doing up so early? Isn't it like seven there?" She asks, changing the subject.

"Well Steve usually drives Robin to school, so we're going to do that and then Steve has to work, so I'll probably just walk around downtown for a bit and then we're going to the basketball game after school because Robin's in the band."

"That sounds fun," Joyce says. "Make sure you say hi to the kids if you see them."

I nod. "Yeah I will."

"Okay, I'm going to go back to bed, but if you need anything just call," Joyce says.

"I will, and I'll keep the time change in mind for next time," I laugh.

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