Thirty- Four: Daylight

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"I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you (I could never look away), I don't wanna think of anything else now that I've thought of you (things will never be the same)"

A loud ringing noise startles me awake, and my immediate first thought is that it could be Joyce calling me back after not answering last night.

I untangle myself from Steve's arms, a lean over to grab the phone from the beside table.

"Hello?" I mumble, propping up my half asleep self, on my elbow.

"Lauren? It's Robin," she says, through the line.


"Hi," I say again.

"I just wanted to let you know I'm already at Nancy's so you guys don't have to pick me up," she says, as I rub my eyes awake.

"You're at Nancy's house?" I grumble, as Steve stirs awake next to me. "What time is it?"

Robin sounds confused on the phone. "Uh, just past eight thirty, I thought you guys said you were coming for nine," she says. "Are you even out of bed yet? You sound all grumbly."

I turn to look at the clock across the room read, eight thirty four. "Technically no, but we'll make it for nine," I say, feeling Steve snake his arms around my waist.

"Nine thirty," he whispers against the back of my neck.

"Uh, we have to get ready still so, we might be a little late," I chuckle, correcting myself to Robin, as Steve's lips are now all over my neck.

"Ooookay," Robin sings, still confused.

"Okay, bye see you soon," And I hang up the phone before she can even answer.

I flip over quickly widening my eyes at Steve whose laying beneath me now. "What the hell, she totally just heard you!" I say, panicking.

Even though he'd just woken up he looked wide awake, staring up at me with his mouth turned up in a smirk. From my position above him, I could see in his eyes that I had a little bit of power over him. It felt like I could ask him anything right now and he'd say yes, because my legs were straddled against his sides, and my lips hovering over his.

He shakes his head at me, crinkling his nose. "I doubt it, Robin would have called you out if she did," he explains.

I can't help but laugh. "I know, that's why I hung up the phone before she could," I smile, as he pulls my face down to his. His mouth fit against mine perfectly, as if it had always belonged there. It felt like we were in our own little bubble. Like everything was perfect when it was just the two of us at his house, but then when we stepped out of it, there was nothing but chaos.

But as much as I wanted to stay in our bubble, Max needed us.

I pull away from him, getting up quickly and stepping out of bed. "We have to go," I smile, walking over to the clothes I had left on the floor last night, and picking them up.

He sighs heavily, sitting up in bed. "Fine," he breathes. "I guess the world, does need saving," he says sarcastically.

I took the fastest shower of my life, rushing downstairs to let Nova outside while Steve took his turn. It was just about nine and we still weren't on our way out the door yet. Robin was going to drill me with questions when I got there, I knew it. There was no way she couldn't have heard Steve in the background on the phone.

I pour food into Nova's dish and refill her water, before letting her back inside. It's not long after that Steve comes down the stairs looking perfect as usual. It felt so good now, to be able to look at him and not have to hide the fact that I found him ridiculously hot.

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