Fourteen: The Story Of Us

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"The story of us looks like a lot like a tragedy now" 

We'd probably only been walking for about ten minutes, with no ending in sight, when Dustin's radio went off in his little backpack.

He pulls it out immediately, as we stop walking and we all recognize it as the code we heard from the surface. The reason we were stuck in this mess in the first place.

"It can reach the surface," I mumble, realizing we had a shot at getting out of here.

"Sorry, what?" Robin asks, obviously not hearing what I said.

I look up at the group of us and point to Dustin's radio. "Their radio can reach the surface," I explain. "If we can find where they broadcast it—,"

Dustin finishes my sentence for me. "We can call for help."

"That's a great idea, but we have no idea where their radio is," Robin points out. "And even if we are able to find it, there's going to be all kinds of people around, and we're going to get caught, and then probably killed."

Robin really was the type to say whatever popped into her head.

"We should at least try, it's kind of our only option right now," Dustin reasons. "And if there's too many people around, then we'll turn around and figure something else out."

"Sounds good enough to me," I shrug.

The five of us continued to walk down what seemed like a never-ending tunnel, relying on our own false notions of hope to keep us going. Steve and Dustin were trailing behind Erica, Robin and I, whispering to each other as if they were gossiping or something. Erica complained, and Robin argued with her.

I was quiet for the most part, stuck inside my head, with the same thoughts repeating themselves over and over again. We were probably screwed. I might never see my family again. There was a great chance we could get killed down here.

And yet for some reason, it didn't matter how real it was, I couldn't believe it.

The dynamic of our group was... interesting. Never in a million years would I have guessed I'd be stuck in a Russian bunker with Dustin Henderson, Robin Buckley, Erica Sinclair and Steve Harrington. It just didn't make sense.

Half an hour went by before we could finally see an ending to the hallway. But the closer we got to it, the more it looked like a dead end.

"You've got to be kidding me," Steve sighs. I could practically hear him rolling his eyes.

"This can't be the end," Robin complains.

"I swear if we just walked down this hallway for three years for there only to be a blank wall at the end, I'll kill all of you before the Russians can," Erica threatens.

"Complaining is going to get us no where guys, stay optimistic," Dustin suggests.

"Well there's not many positives to the situation is there Henderson?" Steve jabs.

I noticed now that while, yes, it did look like a dead end, the hall turned a corner. I was just hoping it wasn't more miles of hallway.

"Guys it turns a corner," I say, jogging ahead of them.

I reach the end first, not even thinking about what could be around the other side, before walking out into the middle of everything. My eyes widen when I see a bunch of people walking around a giant room. There were a few doors around, people moving carts of boxes, that looked just like the ones in the elevator.

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