Twenty-Four: peace

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"And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches" 

A window slams shut, startling me awake. I roll over in bed, trying to push my hair out of my eyes, only to end up with a tiny paper cut instead.

"Ouch," I whisper, looking at the cut on my finger. It wasn't bleeding, but it stung.

I reach back up to my forehead, still half asleep, finding a sticky note stuck to me. I pull it off, flipping it so I could read it.

I left a couple of Advil by your water, figured you'd need it when you woke up. You slept all night. It'll get easier.

He didn't leave his name because he'd ran out of space, but I knew it was from Steve. I glance at my desk, seeing that it was just after six o'clock in the morning, when I heard a car start out in the driveway.

Without thinking, I'm up and out of bed, looking out the window just in time to see Steve pulling out of the driveway.

It must have been him crawling out the window that woke me up. I couldn't believe he'd stayed all night. I knew his mom was home, and he hadn't come back after last night. If I were her, I'd be freaking out wondering where he was.

It was crazy to wake up and actually feel refreshed. Aside from my headache, I felt great. The most rested I've felt in weeks. I'd slept for a solid six hours without interruption, in fact, I hadn't dreamt anything at all, and it was paradise.

For the first time I actually felt like maybe this was something I could overcome. I'd never be able to forget what happened, but maybe Steve was right, with time it would get easier.

I decided to stay awake, wanting to keep the high I was feeling of having a nightmare free night. The first thing I did was take the painkillers Steve had left me, in attempt to get rid of this splitting headache. I made myself breakfast, had a shower, got dressed and completely ready for the day. I didn't really have any plans, so there was nothing to get ready for, but today I just wanted to feel complete.

I played cards with Will in the morning, and just after lunch El came home from Max's, telling me all the juicy details about a fight Max had had with Lucas. It wasn't really much of a fight after hearing the story, just a disagreement. My bet was on Lucas apologizing tomorrow and all would be right between the two of them.

It was close to three o'clock in the afternoon when Robin called.

"Steve is going to come pick you up in like ten minutes," she says, as soon as I answer the phone.

I chuckle slightly, at the lack of introduction. "Uh, why?"

She hesitates when I ask this. "I just... have something I want to talk to you guys about, that's all."

It gave me an uneasy feeling. "You're not like, sick and dying or something are you?" I ask, my eyes unable to keep still.

"No," she scoffs, laughing. "It's nothing like that, it's um...," she pauses for a moment, trying to come up with the right words. "It's just easier of I tell you in person."

She was never this cryptic. Robin was a straight to the point kind of girl. She'd say the first thing that came to mind without thinking, this was totally unlike her. It must be important.

"Okay," I breathe. "I guess I'll see you soon then?"

"Yeah, okay, see you soon."

We hung up, and thoughts started passing through my brain at record speed. Maybe she was moving away? Or she really was sick and she just didn't want to tell me over the phone? I shake my head at myself, headed towards my bedroom to grab my shoes. I shouldn't jump to conclusions, but she did sound nervous on the phone, which wasn't an emotion I'd usually associate with Robin.

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