Her dad only had one rule when it came to dating: no racing drivers.
After having her heart broken by Pierre Gasly, Sienna had no problem abiding by her dads rule. That was until she met Lando Norris and she knew she was in big trouble.
I have...
Meet me at the track at 11? Maybe we can grab some lunch after?
Perfect. I'll see you then
In all honesty I thought he'd completely forgotten about going karting as I'd not heard from him since that dinner two weeks ago. I'm, actually, really looking forward to spending some time with him and getting to know him better. The F3 season starts next month so he'll be too busy soon and I don't think I'll be going to that many races this year. I need to concentrate on my studies.
Shit. What am I going to wear? I get off my bed and walk over to my wardrobe. Jeggings, where are my jeggings? They'll be comfortable enough for karting, maybe with a cute little camisole top and a hoody along with my converses. Cute but casual. Perfect.
Lando POV
I hold my breath as I send Sienna a message via Instagram. I had wanted to send her a message the day after we all had dinner but I waited a couple of weeks as I hadn't wanted to come across too strong or even worse, needy! After all she had made it perfectly clear that she wasn't ready for being anything more than friends right now, but I will bide my time.
I smile as I read her replies. She said yes!
Saturday, 4th March 2017
Sienna POV
'Sienna! Are you ready to go? You're going to be late if you don't leave now' my mum yells up the stairs.
I check my make up one more time in the mirror and complete the look with some lip gloss. I grab my bag from my chair and walk down the stairs to meet my mum who is standing at the bottom tapping her foot. 'You look very nice sweet heart... are you sure this isn't a date?'
'No, mum. This definitely isn't a date. Lando seems like a really nice guy but we're just getting to know each other to see if we can be friends. He's a driver and I am not going there again, not after last time.'
'I know Pierre broke your heart...' she puts her hand on my shoulder and continues 'but please don't close yourself off to the possibility of being with someone else.'
'I'm open to falling in love, mum, just not with another driver'
'Ok, ok ' She sighs and puts her hands up in defeat. I walk past her and out the front door to get in my car.
Lando POV
I get to the track a little late but I'm relieved to find I'm still here before Sienna so I take a seat inside and wait for her to arrive. I'm so nervous, I can't help but bite my nails and my leg is bouncing up and down under the table. I've been waiting around 10 minutes when she walks through the door.
'Bloody hell' I mutter under my breathe. She looks incredible in some tight jeans and a little top, she's got a hoodie wrapped round her shoulders and converses on her feet. I get up and go and say hello, planting a soft kiss on her cheek.
'You ready to get your arse kicked, Norris' she laughs, giving me a light punch on my arm.
'You wish Davis, there's no way I'm going to let you beat me'
I didn't let her beat me, she beat me fair and square. God she was good, she was so fast I just couldn't catch her.
'Why didn't you pursue racing?' I ask her as we sat down at a table with some burgers and fries 'you're really good. I bet you gave your cousin and his friends a run for their money'
She nodded 'I did, they hated the fact that I could beat them in the karts but as much as I enjoyed karting, I never wanted to be a racing driver. I just did it for fun. Then one day it stopped being fun'
I notice that sad look in her eye again that she gets sometimes and I know her mind has wandered somewhere else.
Sienna POV
Lando puts his hand on top of mine and I blink away a tear that threatens to over run.
'If you're not ready to tell me what happened its ok, I won't push you' he whispers
I sigh, at this point I think it might be easier if I tell him, then maybe he'll understand. I take a breath and look into his eyes. They're full of concern and something else I can't quite place. He's still got my hand in his and his thumb is rubbing soothing circles on my palm.
'When I was 17, I fell in love with one of my cousins racing buddies who was two and a half years older than me. We kept it a secret initially and when Oli found out he went mad, but I wouldn't be told. I'd fallen in love so I was incredibly stubborn about it. I went to as many races that year as I possibly could and he made me feel like I was at the centre of his universe. When he won the championship that year he ran to me first, I felt like it was us against the world, together. He wasn't the first boyfriend I'd had but he was my first serious boyfriend and I gave him everything, I gave him all of me.' The tears were streaming down my cheeks but now I'd started telling the story I didn't want to stop. 'I was so blind, Lando, I have no idea how I missed all the signs. I just thought he was a flirt but it turns out he was cheating the entire time we were together. He never really loved me, how could he and do the things he did?' I shake my head trying to eradicate the memories of our first time together, the way he made my breathe hitch when he kissed my neck, the way he trailed his fingers down my back. The look in his eyes when I found out what had been going on. He had just stared at me with hard, cold eyes, completely different to the warm, loving eyes I had been used to.
'You know he tried to tell me my heart break was my fault? I laugh through my tears. 'He tried to say that I shouldn't have expected anything less and that I was naïve to think that he would be faithful. He was on his way to signing an F1 deal, how could he possibly tie himself down to one girl?'
Lando POV
As she finished her story, I finally understood her stance on us just being friends. I'd just have to convince her that I wasn't anything like him. Even if that took forever, I'd wait.
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Like by landonorris, oliverrowland and 247 others
siennadavis Felt so good to be back on the track today and I beat @landonorris which made it even better!
landonorris you didn't just beat me, you whipped my arse! I want a rematch
oliverrowland you obviously haven't lost your touch, S!
A/N Would love to know what you all think so far. Comment and let me know!