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Sunday 20th November 2022

Sienna POV

I've beaten Lando to the podium, again. As I sit and wait for him, I finally understand why he wants to come up here at the end of each season. Despite the activity going on below, up here it's quiet and tranquil. The calm above the storm if you like. The packing away of the pit crews isn't as fast and furious as it would normally be, it's the last time in the year they're doing this so they're taking their time, not quite wanting the season to be over. Apart from the red bull garage who are eager to get out of here so they can start celebrating. I hate to think how many hangovers there are going to be tomorrow. Max is probably the reason I'm still sat up here on my own, I imagine Lando is congratulating his friend on his second world championship.

'Hey you, Lando said I'd find you up here' I turn my head at the sound of his voice. 'Hey yourself, how are you feeling?

'My emotions are all over the place, if I'm honest, thinking that could have been my last race in a formula one car'

'Oh Danny, don't say that. You'll be back, you must believe that. I certainly believe that. You're too good a driver to sit on the sidelines for long.'

'I wish I had the faith in me that you do, S.'

'Well then, I'll just have to have enough faith for both of us, won't I?! It's going to be strange next year without you around. Who's going to come shopping with me, keep me entertained and gang up on Lando with me? I'm going to feel like half of me is missing'

'You'll probably see even more of me than you do now. I won't be at every race, I have a minimum of 8 I have to attend, but I'll be around the paddock a lot more than I would if I was in the car and we live about 5 minutes away from each other. You're not going to get rid of me that easily' He laughs. 'And I'm always up for ganging up on Lando with you, you know that'

'I'm going to miss you all the same' I sigh, resting my head on his shoulder. Fighting back the tears. It just seems so unfair to me.

Lando POV

I climb the stairs to our usual, post season, meeting place, to find Sienna and Danny just sitting enjoying the view of the paddock, her head resting on his shoulder. I knew she was going to find this goodbye hard, even if it was only temporary. In fact, she'll probably see him next week when we get home to Monaco, they were always going shopping together, something about him being more honest than me. It was more than my life was worth to tell her my honest opinion on some of the things she tried on, so Daniel was welcome to those outings. But I understand that it will feel different in the paddock for her next year without Daniel around all the time. They're like two peas in a pod, always making each other laugh, often at my expense.

'Hey, Daniel, do you think I could have my fiancée back?' I joke as I come up behind them. Sienna wipes the corners of her eyes before turning to face me. She thinks I don't notice these things. 

'Hey, mate, of course you can.' He gets up and gives Sienna a big bear hug before giving me a fist pump and then he disappears down the stairs, leaving us alone. 

'You ok babe?' I know she's not but I ask anyway. She puts her head on my shoulder and snuggles into my side, sighing deeply as she does so. 

'I know it's silly to say I'll miss him when I'll see him all the time but it's not going to be the same as having him in the garage' she mutters.

'I know, I'm going to miss him too. I've learnt a lot from him whilst he's been my teammate, he's pushed me to be a better driver and we've had alot of fun.  Not to mention our 1-2 finish at Monza and that horrible shoey' I grimace at the memory.

'I remember your face that day, it was hilarious' she chuckles.

'I had to wash my mouth out 10 times before I got rid of the taste. So happy I avoided that this year, although another 1-2 would have been amazing.  We've had less drama but it's still been another eventful year hasn't it?'

'You can say that again. First race and Pierres car catches fire and then Charles and Carlos get their non shoey 1-2 finish'

'Yeah they had a brilliant start to the season, Carlos was buzzing when that happened'

'You got a podium in Imola' she points out.

'Then a DNF in Miami' I groan.

'Charles lucked out in Monaco again' she snorts. 'The Monaco curse lives on, can't believe he is that unlucky at his home track'

'Zhou had his crash. Still can't believe he walked away from that unscathed.' I shake my head. 'Carlos got his first win. Never going to hear the end of that, the fact he did it before me' I roll my eyes.

'That wet race in Japan when I had my heart in my mouth the entire time, especially when the recovery vehicle was on track. That was scary. Think I lost all my nails that day. I do not want to go through that again anytime soon' she shudders and I pull her closer to me. 

'George got his first win this year as well. He's going to rib me over that forever. That's two of my friends that have got their first win this year, whilst i'm still waiting'

'You're time will come babe'she reassures me. 'Seb retired and we lost Nicki and Mick from the grid' she whispers.

We both fall silent.

'We got engaged!' we both shout together.

'As if we could forget the most important event of the year. I'm so glad you said yes' I turn to look at her with a smile on her face. 

'There was never any doubt in my mind' she stares back at me and I close the gap between us, kissing her softly. I can taste the saltiness of her tears on her lips. I cannot wait to make her my wife. Hopefully, in the summer break next year, somewhere warm, by the ocean.

She breaks away from me and pulls me to my feet 'Right, come on, lets go and celebrate Max's win. I feel a hangover calling my name. Thank god we're staying on a few days!' 

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