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Monday 4th September 2017

Liked by siennadavis, talia_t, paiger, kittykay and 1167 other

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Liked by siennadavis, talia_t, paiger, kittykay and 1167 other

landonorris Happy Birthday to one of my favourite people. You haven't changed abit, you're still a complete poser! 


talia_t haha he's got you pegged siennadavis

siennadavis oh my god. Where did you get that photo? 

landonorris you're mum gave it to me!

siennadavis and i am not a poser!

landonorris yes you are

talia_t yes you are

paiger yes you are

kittykat yes you are

siennadavis hey! it's my birthday you're not allowed to be mean to me

Sienna POV

I usually, absolutely, love my birthday but after a jam packed summer of holidays, races and partying with the girls, I am shattered! We've got another race this coming weekend too, my last for a while as I'll be starting Uni in a couple of weeks. I'm really glad that today is going to be a quiet celebration finished off with dinner with my parents and a well needed spa day with the girls tomorrow. The last time we're all going to be together for a while seeing as we're all going to uni in different parts of the country and Paige is going even further after getting into Brown.

'Sienna! Birthday pancakes are ready!' My mum yells up the stairs

The best part of my birthday, in my opinion, are the birthday pancakes my mum always makes. She goes all out too, supplying all the trimmings; fruit, chocolate chips, marshmallows, maple syrup, squirty cream. I'm drooling just thinking about it. I don't even bother getting dressed and run downstairs in just my short pj's with my hair thrown up in a messy bun. I regret that decision as soon as I see who is sat at the kitchen island working his way through the pile of pancakes in front of him.

'AAAhhhhhh!' I scream, 'Lando! What are you doing here?' I don't actually leave him time to respond as I dash out of the room but I can hear him laughing his head off as I run back up the stairs to put some decent clothes on and sort out my hair. I can't believe my mum didn't warn me and she let me walk in there like that.

Lando POV

Sienna bolted out of the kitchen so fast she was just a blur. Although, I did get a peak of her arse as she turned on her heels and fled. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at her face as she saw me.

'Mrs D, these pancakes are absolutely amazing. Do you make them for her birthday every year?' I asked as I shovelled another chocolate covered pancake in my mouth.

'I do, indeed. Every year since she was 2 years old, although, I no longer put smiley faces on them' she chuckled.

'Urm... why not?' I raised my eyebrows, 'That would be awesome'

She just shook her head and placed a glass of milk in front of me. 'I'll remember that for your birthday, Lando' she said seriously but her eyes gave her away. They were the same colour as Sienna's, I noticed, and they had the same sparkle to them when she was trying not to laugh.

'So...why are you here?' I heard from behind me as Sienna re-appeared, now fully dressed. No arse on show, unfortunately.

'It's your birthday and I thought we could go out for the day. Your dad said you hadn't made any other plans'

'Ok, Mr Norris, what have you planned and how are we going to get there?' She said as she sat down beside me, her mum sliding her a plate of pancakes which she drowned in maple syrup and squirty cream with berries on the side. I'll try to remember that.

'I have a driver waiting outside to take us and I have tickets for the Harry Potter Warner Brothers tour'

'Really?' she squeaked. 'I have been wanting to go there for ages! And you've hired a driver for the day?'

'I know you have, I do listen to you, you know. And obviously I did, didn't want you to have to drive on your birthday and I haven't passed my test yet so...I didn't have much choice.'

Sienna POV

It has been a brilliant day, Lando spoilt me rotten and made the day so much fun. We laughed until we cried, ate way too many Bertie Bott's every flavour beans and drank way too much butterbeer. I feel slightly sick, if I'm honest, as Lando drops me back home.

'Thank you for a wonderful day, Lando. I've had a blast' I kiss him on the cheek before climbing out of the car. I have a huge smile on my face as I walk back in the house.

'Did you have a nice time?' mum asks as she sees me walk in.

'The best' I reply. My eyes widen at the biggest bunch of flowers I've ever seen waiting on the table and I signal to my mum as if to ask 'who are they for and from'

'Who do you think?' she actually rolls her eyes at me.

I skip over to them to peer at the card that came with them

Happy Birthday S

I had a wonderful day celebrating your birthday with you

Love L xxxx

'That boy is, utterly and completely, in love with you' my mum says quietly, resting a hand on my shoulder before walking away.

'I love him too, but sometimes that just isn't enough' I whisper so she doesn't hear me. My heart and my body cry out to be with him but my mind constantly over rules them. My mind is trying to protect me I tell myself.

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