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10th September 2017

Liked by siennadavis, jakehughes, callumilott and 1235 others

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Liked by siennadavis, jakehughes, callumilott and 1235 others

landonorris what a great weekend. @jakehughes pressured me all weekend and I wasn't totally comfortable but a 73 point lead is great to take into the last 2 races. 

siennadavis fantastic weekend. That drive in the wet yesterday was incredible! Gutted I wont be at the last 2 rounds!

16th September 2017

Liked by landonorris, talia_t, paiger, kittykat and 145 others

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Liked by landonorris, talia_t, paiger, kittykat and 145 others

siennadavis I can't wait to spend the next 3 years in this beautiful city!

talia_t biatch, you better come and visit me!

paiger i'm going to miss you S. See you next summer

kittykat don't forget us!

24th September 2017

landonorris very frustrated with myself and i'm sorry to the team

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landonorris very frustrated with myself and i'm sorry to the team. I pushed too hard and cost us vital points, giving myself everything to do next time to win the title. 

siennadavis we all make mistakes. I believe in you and have every faith that the title will be yours!

14th October 2017

Liked by siennadavis and 2464 others

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Liked by siennadavis and 2464 others

landonorris YES!!! WE DID IT! 2017 CHAMPIONS!! 

siennadavis Congrats champ! Knew you could do it! You owe me the biggest dinner ever!

callumilott Congrats mate, well deserved

jakehughes incredible job, well done bud

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