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Saturday 18th March 2023

Lando POV

'I damaged the....I hit the wall.....the front left steering'


For fucks sake, I yell as I slam my hand against the steering wheel, I need to get my shit together.

Sunday 19th March 2023

Sienna POV

After seeing Oliver finish in 10th place earlier, I decided to come back to my hotel room to watch the main race, that way I limit my time in the paddock, limit the possibility of running into him and limit the number of photos the press can take of me. Plus, to say the atmosphere towards me in the paddock was cold, was an understatement. It was bloody freezing. All our friends are avoiding me, letting me know they are all firmly, team Lando. The only one that is still talking to me is Danny.

'And that's another P17 finish for Lando Norris, you've got to ask haven't you whether the issues he has in his personal life at the moment are affecting his racing'.

I love Crofty but I could kill him right now. How dare he bring our personal life into commentary. The camera pans to Lando as he brings the car back to parc ferme. He doesn't move for ages, just sits in his car with his head in his hands. The camera catches him again when he's waiting to be weighed and my breath catches in my throat. I've tried to avoid all images of him up to now, so I haven't seen him since early December. Over the winter break he seems to have gone from that cute boy with the curly hair and angelic, mischievous smile to an extremely handsome man but one with stubble on his chin and the weight of the world on his shoulders. His smile no longer reaches his eyes, which once so full of life and sparkle, are empty and dull. I've done that to him.

Lando POV

I have never been happier to see the back of the media pen after a race. I don't know how many more times I can say that I had an unlucky race whilst having to force a smile on my face.

Carlos catches me on my way back to my driver's room 'Ah muppet, we are going out tonight. I have a feeling you could do with a drink.'

'You read my mind. I really need to get out of here. A drink, or 10, seems like a very good option right now. I just want to forget about everything for one evening.'

'We'll pick you up from your hotel at 8. Make sure you're on time' he rolls his eyes as he walks away.

'Landoooooo' I hear as I climb in the car, for once I was on time. I take a seat next to George and check who else is in the car. As well as George it's the normal crowd; Max, Carlos, Charles, Pierre, Alex, plus Zhou and Yuki have joined us as well.

'A round of your finest tequila for all my friends please, my good man' I hear George tell the bar man. I groan, I know I said I wanted to get drunk and forget but I hate tequila!

5 tequilas later I'd changed my mind.

'Hey, aren't you Lando Norris?' I look up to see a girl peering at me intently. She's pretty and judging by her demeanour she knows it as well. However, I could do with the distraction.

'Yes, yes I am' I confirm.

'You're a lot cuter in real life, you know' she slurs slightly and leans closer to me, so close I can smell her perfume and the alcohol on her breath.

'Urm... thanks, I think' I chuckle.

'This might be a bit forward but do you want to get out of here?' she whispers, placing her hand on my arm.

An image of Sienna flashes briefly in my mind 'yeah, why not? Where are you staying?'

Sienna POV

Tears roll down my face as the end credits to Sweet Home Alabama flash up on the screen. I've seen this film so many times, yet it makes me cry every single time. It's the 'why do you wanna marry me anyway', 'so I can kiss you anytime I want' line that gets me. It also has McDreamy in it so it's a win win. It used to be one of my favourite movies to watch with Lando. I suddenly feel the need to see him. To try and explain what happened, to beg for his forgiveness.

As I get in the lift I'm just hoping that he's been allocated his usual room, our usual room.

'Lando?' I knock on his door. 'Lando, please open the door'

I knock again. 'Lando, please let me explain' I start to sob and I sink to the floor, my back resting against the door. 'I miss you so much. I didn't..... it didn't..... ' I shake my head, trying to remember the events of the night that blew my life apart. The only part I remember is the pain on Landos face in the morning. I knock again. 'Please Lando I love you, we were going to get married'. The pain in my chest intensifies and I curl up in a ball, still on the floor outside Lando's door.


I feel a hand on my shoulder.


'No, I'm sorry. He's not here. We.... We went out tonight and he didn't come back with us'

I look up. 'He didn't come back' I repeat. The words sticking in my throat.

'Can I help you back to your room?' he holds his hand out to pull me up off the floor. I stumble slightly, as Alex helps me back to my room.

The image of Lando with a faceless girl taunts me as I fall asleep, tears still falling from my eyes.  

F1Gossip It's been another terrible weekend for @landonorriswho was spotted looking deep in thought at the airport yesterday

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F1Gossip It's been another terrible weekend for @landonorriswho was spotted looking deep in thought at the airport yesterday. 

User1 It's all Siennas fault. What has she done to him!

User2 Apparently he was spotted with @iamtherealleah on Sunday night, looking very cosy. Maybe he just had a hangover.

User3 Did anyone see @siennadavisin the paddock at the weekend? She seems to be staying off the radar.

>>user4 so she should, the bitch broke his heart.   

A/N Sorry it's a short one this time. It's been a really busy week and i'm at Silverstone at the weekend so sorting stuff out for that as well!

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