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Sienna POV


I feel like a deer caught in headlights, my heart is racing and my mouth is bone dry. I did not want to be put in this situation and I now realise that I should have made sure that our reunion had taken place on my terms and not his.

'Cat got your tongue, mon cher' he asks with a small smirk. I have an overwhelming urge to punch that smirk right off his face but I can't move as he still has me pinned against the wall.

I gulp and manage to find my voice 'How did you know I was here Pierre?'

He rolls his eyes 'you're dad sought me out on Thursday and told me to stay away from you. Mentioned something about ruining my career if I as much as looked in your direction, blah blah blah. You know I never did think much of your dad's rules' he chuckles, leaning closer to me so our faces are only inches away from each other. I hate that my body is betraying me by starting to react to him, I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my knickers start to feel damp.

'So does that boy following you around like a puppy make you feel the way I do? I can smell your arousal from here' he whispers in my ear. He moves his head slightly and starts sucking on the soft skin of my neck. 

I let out a small moan. He always did know how to press my buttons.

'See, mon amour, I know you want me, want this, us together again'

I catch myself, fuck, what the hell is going on with me? I am not being drawn back into this. I am not letting him toy with me like some play thing, not when I've spent so long getting over him and rebuilding my life. I summon all my strength and push him away from me. His back crashes into the motor home behind him and a look of shock crosses his face.

I hold my head up high and look right into his eyes 'I'm only going to say this once, connard, stay away from me. This' I point to him and then myself 'is never, ever, going to happen again. We are done'

I walk away from him and make it to the open space of the paddock, but he grabs my arm again to pull me back towards him.

I face him, I am so angry. How dare he do this? He's got some nerve. My hand comes up and I land a slap so loud that it echoes through the paddock.

'No, Pierre, you fooled me once, I am not going to let you do it again'

Lando POV

Sienna was taking a really long time to grab her bag so I decide to make my way back to the paddock to see if she's ok.

I get through the turnstiles to see Sienna slap Pierre round the face a short distance away. I rush to her side, there's no way that she'd do that lightly, although clearly he deserves it for everything he did. I wonder what he's done this time. He better not have hurt her. 

'Are you ok?' I ask her, concern written all over my face.

'Is she ok?' Pierre splutters in disbelief. 'She slapped me!'

'I'm sure you deserved it, Gasly' I respond before turning my attention back to her.

'I'm fine' she says, 'I was just telling Pierre that he needs to stay away from me and he didn't hear it the first time so I had to emphasis my point'

Pierre points at me 'he won't satisfy you the way I did'

'Not that it's any of your business, but me and Lando aren't together. I'm with someone I met at uni and thankfully he couldn't be anymore different than you' Sienna turns her back on Pierre, grabs my hand and pulls me back through the paddock.

Wait, did she just say she was seeing somebody? 

Sunday 8th April 2018

Sienna POV

I wake up feeling like a huge weight has been lifted and I feel no anxiety about going to the paddock today. I'm just looking forward to enjoying the racing without having to look over my shoulder, it's going to be a good day, I can feel it in my bones. The only cloud on my horizon is Lando. He was in a really funny mood on the way back to the hotel yesterday, he was distant and quiet, which is completely unlike him and I have no idea why. Maybe he's just nervous for his first race, there's a lot riding on this year for him, an F1 seat is at stake and he's been working towards that almost his entire life.

I practically jump out of bed and skip into the bathroom to take a shower. I can't believe how much lighter I feel after facing Pierre yesterday. I giggle to myself as I remember the look on his face after I slapped him. God that had felt good! I need a good outfit for today to reflect the re-found confidence I have in myself. I pull out an all white outfit; linen trousers along with a sheer blouse that I knot at my stomach with a crop top underneath to contain my boobs, it is Bahrain afterall. I put the finishing touches to my outfit, slip on my sandals and head out the door to meet my dad in the lobby. 

Lando POV

I wake up from an awful nights sleep and drag myself to the bathroom for a shower. After Sienna dropped the news that she was seeing somebody, all I can think about is the two of them together. As I stand under the shower with the hot water pouring over my body I sigh and close my eyes. The image I've been replaying all night flashes in front of my eyes again; Sienna and a faceless guy in bed together, she's moaning his name over and over again, their bodies glisten with sweat. I shake my head trying to wipe the image away, open my eyes and punch the shower wall in frustration. Maybe it's time I got some action of my own. She'll always be the one for me, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with but that doesn't mean I need to be celibate until she figures out that I'm the one for her. Who knows how long that's going to take. 

I get dressed and leave my room, ready to make my way to the paddock. Maybe I ought to distance myself from Sienna a little bit, being her friend isn't going to be easy when she's seeing someone else. I'm not sure I want to hear all those details. Besides, I really need to concentrate on my racing this year, an F1 seat is at play. I can't let it slip through my fingers because I had my concentration elsewhere.  

Sienna POV

I haven't seen Lando all day, I haven't even been able to wish him good luck for his race or confirm that we're still watching the F1 race in the McLaren garage together. I see his car out on track and cross my fingers that he'll have a good, safe race. I needn't have worried, he won the race, an amazing start to the season, to be leading the championship right off the bat. But, as I go to hug him and congratulate him after the race, he doesn't spin me round like he usually does. Something is definitely up and I'm determined to find out what it is. 

Liked by siennadavis, georgerussell, alexalbon and 20, 675 others

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Liked by siennadavis, georgerussell, alexalbon and 20, 675 others

landonorris Yes boys! What a great start to the season. Hopefully it's start as we mean to go on. Today could not have gone better. Big thanks to the team!

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