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Sienna POV

I can feel the lightness of Lando's fingers drawing race tracks on my back, it was a game that we played sometimes. 'Silverstone... come on... challenge me at least' I giggle. He starts again. I have to really concentrate this time, 'Bahrain' I say as I shiver under his touch. He replaces his finger tips with his tongue as he draws Spa and I let out what can only be described as a purr.

The sound of the door closing pulls me, cruelly, from my dream and I wipe away a tear at the memory.

'Is she awake?' I hear Danny ask Heidi.

'I'm awake' I reply. I want to go back to my dream, we're together in my dream, Lando isn't lying in a hospital bed in my dream.

'You need to get up, showered and dressed. You're going to see Lando. Zak's arranged with the nurses for you to visit after visiting hours, after everyone else has left. No-one else is to know about this.'

'Really?' I exclaim. I quickly scarper to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

Danny POV

Once Sienna has disappeared into the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on, I face Heidi. 'I saw Oscar at the hospital. I was right. Dammit I was right!'

'What happened?'

'I overheard Oscar on the phone to Webber earlier. He orchestrated this entire thing!' I whisper yell. I don't think Sienna will be able to hear me, but I don't want to take the risk until I can tell her exactly what happened.

'What are we going to do?

'I need more evidence than one overheard conversation. I need something concrete that I can confront him with.' I find myself pacing the room, I'm this close to proving that this wasn't Sienna's fault.

'Ok, then we need to pay close attention to him, where he goes, who he speaks to, see if you can overhear anything when he's talking on the phone.'

'Alright Jack Ryan, calm down' I laugh.

Then I hear the shower turn off. 'Babe, act normal, she's coming out'

'You're the one pacing the room like a mad man!'

I roll my eyes and sit down. She had a point.

Sienna POV

As we get closer and closer to the hospital, I get more and more nervous.

'Danny?' I mutter.


'What should I expect when I go in that room?'

He glances at me, briefly, before he concentrates on the road again.

'He looks like he's sleeping but I'm not going to lie, S, he has various tubes around him, that initially look scary. But they're feeding tubes and things and he's obviously linked to a monitor as well so that beeps every now and again. He's also got a lot of bruises that you'll be able to see.'

I breathe out. Ok, that sounds like something I can handle. I think.

The hospital is quiet, with just the doctors and nurses milling around. Danny walks me to Lando's room but when we get there, he leaves me 'just text me when you want picking up and I'll come and get you ok?' he says as he walks away.

I pause outside Lando's room. I'm not sure how long I stand there, summoning the courage to actually go in. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and open the door.

The first thing I notice are all the tubes and wires that Danny told me about. He also wasn't lying about Lando's bruises which were deep purple in colour.

'Oh Lando' I whisper as I walk to the chair beside his bed. 'Look at the mess I got us into.'

I can't help the tears that come into my eyes as I sit down and stare at him. He looked so fragile. This is all my fault.

'Lando please don't leave me. Ever since that first day I met you it's only ever been you. I made a mistake but if you wake up, I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.'

A/N I've also started another book, called Everyone but me, check it out!

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