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Sienna POV


'No, no, no, no, no, no' I shake my head backing away from him. This cannot be happening. He was fine when I left him, he can't be gone.

A flash of realisation crosses Max's face 'Oh God Sienna, no,' he steps towards me 'that's not.... He's awake. Lando is awake.'

'You' I hit him on the arm 'couldn't' I hit him again 'have' I'm thumping him in the chest now 'led with that?'

He pulls me to him, encasing me between his chest and his arms. It's comforting and I can't help the sobs of relief that escape me.

Wait... he said he was awake. He didn't say anything about the state that he's in. I gulp.

'Max?' I whisper. I'm so scared to ask the next question.

'Is he.... Is he ok?'

'Well, he's asking for you so his memory is clearly alright but he somehow knows about Oscar. He was babbling something about you telling him in a dream? No idea what that's about. As for whether he's ok, the doctors want to run more tests but they're optimistic. He's been wriggling his fingers and his toes and he knows what year it is, which is actually an improvement on before' he chuckles.

'He's asking for me?'

'Yours was the first name he uttered when he opened his eyes. I explained why you weren't there, and I stayed just long enough to get a brief lowdown from the doctor so I could report to you. He asked me to come and get you and bring you back to the hospital.'

'Ok, well let's go. Don't want to keep him waiting' I state as I walk in a hurry to the door, 'come on, Max!'

'Urm... S. I'm sure Lando won't mind but are you sure that you don't want to change out of your pyjamas first?'

I barely give Max time to stop the car before i'm out and running to his hospital room, wanting to see for myself that he's ok but, as I stand outside I'm unexpectedly frozen, my hand shaking as it rests on the door handle. I'm suddenly gripped with anxiety and I'm not really sure what's waiting for me on the other side.

I shake myself out of it, 'Come on S, put your big girl pants on' I mutter to myself.

I gently and quietly push the door open. Lando is sitting, when I enter the room, propped up by the mound of pillows behind him, he looks like he's sleeping, but as I edge closer to the bed his eyes flutter open and clear blue eyes stare back at me.

I can't describe the feeling of relief that washes over me. I wasn't sure I'd ever see those eyes again and now they're following me as I go to stand at the end of his bed. I feel like I'm meeting him for the first time all over again, my heart pounding in my chest, it's so loud I'm sure he can hear it. A slight smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth and he pats the bed next to him.

I rush over to him, unable to help myself. I have so many things I want to say but find that the words won't come, so I cuddle (gently, obviously) into him instead, my body moulding to his like we're two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. I breathe him in, my head resting on his shoulder. Neither of us have yet uttered a word. I think we're both trying to get a hold of our emotions, i know I am.

Lando POV

When I woke up all I could think about was seeing Sienna and telling her how I feel about her but now that she's here, in my arms, I'm overwhelmed and my mind has gone completely blank. She still smells like my Sienna but she's different. Her eyes lack the fire they used to have, her hair is dull and lifeless and I can tell she's lost weight, too much. I silently curse Oscar for what he's done to her. He's reduced her to a shadow of the woman I love. I'm hoping that, somehow, I can bring that woman back.

She is the first to break the silence. 'Seeing you.... Seeing you hit that barrier.... I thought.... I thought I'd lost you and that you weren't coming back' she trails off, her voice cracking. My heart aches, seeing her broken like this and I hold onto her a little bit tighter, even though I wince at the slight pain in my ribs. I never want to let her go again.

'Then finding out that we'd spent all this time apart because Webber and Oscar had this scheme. How did you find out about Oscar?' she says, so quietly. 'Max said something about a dream you had?'

'You told me, in my dream. We were lying, side by side, on the start line at Silverstone and you were reading Harry Potter. Then you asked me to come back to you, which at the time confused me as I was right next to you, but you said that Oscar had made it all up.'

She sighs and briefly closes her eyes. A sole tear rolling down her cheek.

'Can you tell me exactly what happened?' I ask gently. 

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