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Friday 7th September 2018

Sienna POV

'I'll see you in a few weeks, drive safe and let me know when you get back, ok?' I kiss Tom on the lips, close the car door so he can drive away, and I walk back into the house. Time to find out what my parent's verdict is.

'So.... What do you guys think of Tom?' I ask, sitting opposite them at the kitchen table, a cup of tea between my hands.

'He seems like a very nice young man' my mum starts. 'Yes, he's very polite' my dad continues.

I feel a but coming, so look at them expectantly, however, they don't say anything further, I catch the glances between them and know they're trying to decide who should speak first.

'Come on, mum, dad, out with it. You've clearly got something you want to say, but, after Pierre don't I deserve someone nice?'

My mum sighs and looks at me with sadness 'Oh sweetheart, you deserve so much better than nice. You deserve someone who makes your heart sing, someone who makes your stomach do backflips whenever you see them, someone who treats you like a queen and someone who will challenge you to always strive to be better. We may have had our up and downs' she says looking at my dad 'but after all this time, I still get butterflies when he walks in the room' she gives my dad a look and takes his hand.

'Your mums right sugar plum, you deserve the world and someone who will be your partner to help you get it. We just don't think that person is Tom that's all'.

'There didn't seem to be any passion between you and that's so important, especially on days when you don't particularly like each other. It's the passion that will bring you back to each other because no matter how hard it is to live with that person, it's even harder to live without them. He doesn't look at you like you're the centre of his world. He doesn't look at you like, and please don't bite my head off for saying this, but he doesn't look at you like Lando does. That boy loves you and it's written all over his face. I don't get that vibe from Tom and I also don't get that vibe from you.' She finishes.

'You're mums right again, sugar plum. Can you honestly say you see a future with Tom? If you do then we'll support you, we always will, but we couldn't not say anything'

'Dad, it was you who gave me the rule of not dating drivers and now its sounds like you want me to actually be with one' I sigh, running my hand through my hair in exasperation.

'Honey, that rule wasn't really for you'

'H'uh? What do you mean?' I ask.

'I knew that if I gave you a rule of no dating racing drivers, they'd all know about it and they'd stay away from you. Like that friend of Oli's, I can't think of his name at the moment but he used to crap his pants every time I caught him looking at you. Do you remember that?' He looked at my mum.

'Yes, I do, that poor boy. He was terrified of you' she laughed.

'It meant that if any of them dared go against my rule, I knew they were serious about you enough to think you were worth any trouble they were going to get from me. I didn't count on Pierre though. He just likes breaking rules, I didn't account for that, I'm afraid.' He hung his head.

'And sweetheart, Pierre didn't cheat on you because he's a racing driver, he cheated on you because he's a douchbag. Your father was a racing driver when we met and he's one of the most loyal men I know.' She turned to him and kissed him, smiling. Her eyes light up when she talks about my dad. I want what they have.

'Saturday 20th October 2018

Sienna POV

Six weeks later and I am still thinking about the talk I had with my parents. What they said made a lot of sense and being back at Uni, around Tom the last couple of weeks I get what they mean, now I'm specifically looking for it. I don't get butterflies when he walks in the room, sometimes I barely even notice he's there and yet the air always somehow shifts when Lando's around. Sometimes I can't even see him and yet I know he's there. It's like my body is tuned into him somehow.

I'm currently pacing up and down in my room trying to decide what to do about me and Tom. We have a date tonight and I'm trying to decide if it'll be the last one we'll have. I really like him but I don't love him and we've been together over 6 months now. But then he hasn't said it either so maybe he also doesn't feel it.

There's a knock on my door and I open it with a 'hey'. Tom leans against the doorframe. He is really good looking in a classically handsome kind of way, tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, hair that's always in place and tonight he's wearing beige chinos with a navy blue shirt. Most other girls would be melting at just the sight of him but I can't help wish that it was a boy with very messy, curly, brown hair stood in front of me in his usual jeans and hoodie attire.

'Hey, what's going on with you? You've been distracted all evening' He says taking my hands across the table.

Wow, ok, here goes.

'I think' I take a deep breath, I've never broken up with anyone before, this is excruciating 'that we should just be friends' I say in a rush, just eager to get the words out.

He drops my hands and leans back in his chair.

'This is about Lando, isn't it?'

My eyes go wide. I did not see that coming.

'Wh...what?' I stutter

'I see the way your eyes light up whenever he texts you and when you speak to him you're voice goes all soft and mushy. You never look or speak to me like that. I really like you Sienna, I like you a lot but if you're in love with someone else then....' He tails off.

'I'm not in love with him' I say maybe a bit too quickly as it earns me an eyebrow lift.

'You keep telling yourself that' he says rolling his eyes. 'I think at this point, everyone can see it but you'

Me: Hey T

Talia: You ok, S?

Me: Me and Tom broke up tonight

T: Ah I'm sorry, but I can't say I didn't see this coming. A bit surprised it took this long to be honest

Me: What?!

T: Babe, it's never going to work when you're in love with someone else

Me: Why does everyone keep saying that?!

T: Because it's obvious and has been for a looooooooong time

Me: Urgh

T: Hey, muppet

Lando: Hey, what's happened? Is Sienna ok?

T: Calm down, she's fine. She broke up with Tom tonight though. Just thought you'd like to know

L: Urm... ok

T: He told her he's not surprised it didn't work out between them because she's in love with you. So what are you going to do about that?

L: Did she say she was in love with me?

T: Not in so many words, but it's pretty obvious to everybody. She maybe starting to admit it to herself.

L: I need a plan

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