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Monday 24th July 2023

Sienna POV

My head is absolutely pounding, and I let out a small groan as I open my eyes and look around. I can hear whispering and look over to my right, Danny and Heidi are sat on the sofa, heads bowed. The events of yesterday all come rushing back. I close my eyes willing for that brief moment of bliss before I remembered.

I sit up slowly, I'm sure I've got some headache pills somewhere.

'Morning, S. Is there something you need?' Danny comes over and sits down beside me.

'Yeah, could you fetch me some headache tablets and a glass of water please? There's a herd of elephants dancing in my head' I grimace.

It doesn't take him long and before I know it, he's standing in front of me holding out the pills and putting the glass in my hand.

'I'm going to go back to the hospital, I'm going to try and get you access today' he informs me. 'I've also extended your stay here. I know you won't want to leave even if I can't get you into see him.'

He knows me so well. I can't leave. I need to be here, for better or worse.

Danny POV

When I went to the hospital yesterday the family room was incredibly crowded. It seemed like the whole paddock had relocated to the hospital. George and Max had been huddled together in a corner. They'd always walked a bit of a tight rope when it came to friendship, but this had brought them closer. George had told me that as soon as Max had got out of the car after the crash, he'd called Lando's parents and told them that he was sending his jet to collect them. Carlos on the other hand just looked lost. He kept looking at the door, as if he was expecting Lando to walk through it and say the whole thing had been a terrible prank.

The family room is a little less crowded today. The main bulk of the paddock having left already for the race this weekend. That left Lando's closest friends. We'd all decided to stay as long as possible, and then fly to Belgium together on Thursday morning, ready for what is going to be the hardest media day any of us have had to do. Zak, Sienna's dad, David, and Lando's family were in with him, tag teaming so he was never left alone. At least during visiting hours anyway.

'Hey' I say quietly as I enter the room. 'Has there been any change overnight?'

George looks up 'Nothing. He's having more tests today. But the doctors are saying that this happens sometimes and we just have to wait for him to come back to us.'

'What a load of bollocks' Max pipes up. 'They make it sound like he's deciding to not come back! Why aren't they doing anything?'

I go and sit next to Max, who looks awful. I guess we all probably do. I can't imagine any of us slept particularly well last night, I know I didn't.

'He'll come back, he still needs a race win, he still needs to become world champion, he has so much he still wants to do.' He still needs to forgive Sienna, I add, under my breathe.

'I need some air' he suddenly says and storms out of the room. The door banging shut behind him.

Carlos flinches with the noise. He still hasn't said anything to anybody. He just sits there muttering Spanish to himself.

Zak appears after a while, bringing fresh coffee with him. The coffee from the machines here is terrible. He comes over and sits next to me. 'How's Sienna doing?'

'You know, you're the first person to ask me that.' I see a flash of guilt pass George's face. 'She's not good. She's not eating, she won't get out of bed.' I lower my voice to make sure I can't be overheard. 'I need to get her in to see him'

'Leave it with me. I'll see if I can get her in after visiting hours.' He got up and walk out.

I spent my time with Lando recounting stuff we did whilst we were team mates. We'd all agreed to tell funny stories as that's the kind of guy he was... is. That's the kind of guy he is.

As I'm walking out of the hospital, I spot Oscar sitting on a bench, having what seems to be a very heated discussion on his phone. I try and move closer, staying out of sight.

'Mark... he's in a fucking coma. You said the whole Sienna thing would work. This is not what I signed up for. I just wanted to throw him off his game so I could be the number one driver. I didn't want him to die!'

Well I'll be damned. I was right. 

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