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A/N It's a long one but worth it I hope!

Group chat – Lando 19!

L: Right everybody, my annual party to celebrate my birthday is coming up and you all need to be there. Friday 16th November @Komo 8pm. Don't forget my gift :P

George: I'll be there

Max: Mate this is literally just the second year you've thrown this party

Sienna: I'm in, I'll come back from uni for the weekend. I'll bring the girls

Kat: Sorry S, I can't make it. Have a huge paper due on the Monday. Sorry Lando. Have a great time

Talia: I'll be you're wing woman S, or maybe you can be mine!

Alex: I'm in!

Friday 16th November 2018

Sienna POV

I was getting tired of ignoring my feelings for Lando. My first instinct when I met him two years ago had been to run as far away as possible from him, to shield my heart from what I saw as the inevitable heart break of him leaving me. Being friends with him had brought its challenges. I loved spending time with him and no-one made me laugh quite like he did, however, trying to ignore how my body and mind reacted to him every time we were in the same vicinity was exhausting. I'm not sure I could, or in truth wanted to, keep it up anymore. Everyone was telling me how good we'd be together, maybe just maybe I was ready to find out if it could be true.

It's not as if I hadn't tried to move past him. I'd gone on loads of dates over the past 2 years, I'd even slept with a few of them and I'd dated Tom but none of them gave me the same butterflies in my stomach feeling that he did. I couldn't get that curly haired boy out of my mind and the kiss we'd shared at his 18th birthday party haunted my thoughts and kept me up at night. Even when I was in bed with someone else my mind would wander to what it would be like if it was Lando with me, what it would feel like to have his hands all over my body, his fingers trailing down my thighs, those lips on mine and on other places.

Tonight, I was going to tell him how I felt. I didn't want to run from him anymore.

Lando POV

Group Chat – Get Sienna

T: Do you have a plan for tonight?

L: I think so, I need a song though. What's Sienna's favourite song at the moment

T: That's easy, Power over me by Dermot Kennedy. She hasn't stopped playing it for weeks, sings it at full pelt too, hurts my ears over video chat

L: That's perfect, thanks T. I need your help in keeping her occupied and away from me. Get her on the dance floor when I give you the signal

T: Ok, that should be easy enough

L: I also need her to be fairly sober. I don't want alcohol skewing her feelings

T: Well you'd better do whatever it is you're going to do fairly early in the evening then

L: Noted

L: Lads I'm going to need your help

Max: I'll try my best

George: Whatever you need me to do

Alex: Lando's going to get himself a girlfriend!

Sienna POV

'Talia' I whine. 'We've been here for half an hour and I've not managed to see Lando yet. Where is he? I've had my dutch courage and I just want to tell him how I feel. Just want to get it all out before I burst.'

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