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Tsireya, Aonung, and Roxto and I walked towards the water, gracefully diving into the water. Lo'ak and Neteyam ran to the end of the walkway, cannonballing into the water, Tuk just jumped in, and Kiri slowly lowering herself in.

I watched from below the waters surface as the siblings swam under the water, following us. They all surfaced, Ao'nung looking at me weirdly.

I watched as the Sully's dipped their heads under the water, looking at the reef surrounding them. School of fish swam around, colorful coral was everywhere, ilus swimming in pods. They tried to catch up with everyone, going up to the surface to take another breath.

We were swimming much deeper than they were, moving around smoothly in the sea, our tails acting as a fin.

Tsireya looked up at us and smiled, making a movement with her fingers that none of siblings understood. Lo'ak and Neteyam shrugged their shoulders, swimming back up to the surface, gasping for air.

"Are you okay?" Tsireya had asked them once she surfaced. I rolled my eyes. Of course they were not okay.

"You are too fast, wait for us!" Tuk said in a whiny tone.

"Breath, just breath." Tsireya told them.

"You are not good divers." Ao'nung commented. "You may be good at swinging through trees.... But...." he was cut off with a slap on the back of his head from Tsireya. I laughed quietly, turning my head to the side as he splashed water at me. He glared at Tsireya with a bored look in his eyes.

"C'mon bro..." Lo'ak sighed.

"We don't speak this finger talk. We have no idea what you're saying." Neteyam told them, even signaling with his fingers.

"I will teach you." Tsireya declared with a smile. There was an uncomfortable silence until Roxto spoke up.

"Where is Kiri?" He questioned.

"Who?" Aonung questioned.

"Our sister." Tuk replied. 

"I will look for her." Tsireya spoke as she diver back under the water to look for the girl.

As Tsireya looked for Kiri, Aonung, Rotxo and I took the siblings to the shore. Aonung clicked his tongue to call for the ilu, holding his hands out as the blue and green creatures swam to him.

"These are ilu..." Aonung told them. "...if you want to live here, you have to ride." He finished.

One approached Tuk and she squealed, happily petting it. I clicked my tongue, calling Manu to me. Neteyam watched intently as I did so. Manu clicked back, swimming around me.

I connected my queue with Manu's, the two of us swimming over to Neteyam who stood near an ilu, speaking up.

"She likes you." I spoke from behind him. He jumped a little and shouted out. I laughed, squinting my eyes slightly due to the sun.

I reached my arm out, grabbing the ilu's queue. Neteyam grabbed his queue as he moved it to connect with the ilu's.

"Make the bond gently. Ilu are not like your Ikran. They will not try to kill you. Tsurak will." I told Neteyam. I watched as he nodded at my words, taking a deep breath.

"Hold here." I spoke as I grabbed his hands and placed them in a loop of the saddle. Neteyam's skin felt much more warm compared to mine.

"Keep your body close to the ilu's when under water. It will help with not falling off." I spoke. Neteyam nodded, clicking his tongue as the ilu took off.

The ilu sped up, turning swiftly as he got shot off.  He hissed as he came up for air, stopping when he heard the laughter of the Metkayina's. I joined in as the ilu came up to me and stopped next to me. My laughter subsided once Neteyam swam back up to me, getting on the ilu to try again.

Neteyam and the ilu slowly submerging us into the water. I cheered for him, my brother sending me a glare. I rolled my eyes at him, glancing back to Neteyam's who held a smile on his face.

He rode back swiftly on his ilu, stopping in front of me. The ilu chirped, squirting water from its mouth at me. My mouth opened, a laugh escaping it. I moved my tail, the flat part of it sending a wave of water on top of Neteyam.

"Hey that's not fair!" He exclaimed with a short laugh. I smiled at him, shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh well." I spoke, my heavy Na'vi accent showing through as I talked.

"Sister!" Tsireya yelled to me, getting my attention. I turned my body towards hers, seeing her wave me over. I clicked my tongue to the roof of my mouth, calling Manu over. I connected my queue to hers, moving over towards Tsireya as Neteyam followed behind me.

"We are going to teach them to breath. Up on that rock." She spoke as she pointed to a large, flat, but circular rock. I nodded, sliding off of Manu and sending her away. I swam ahead of Tsireya as she gathered Kiri and Tuk, the two Sully boys following me. Ao'nung and Rotxo were already sitting on the rock, watching as I pulled myself up onto the rock to sit next to my brother. Neteyam sat next to me, much to my brother's dismay, Lo'ak sitting next to Tsireya. Kiri and Tuk sat next to Rotxo, the boy flashing a friendly smile to both.

"When breathing under water, you need to keep your air in your stomach. Not your lungs. Eventually with enough training you will be able to hold your breath for long periods of time." I spoke as I looked around at the group. They all nodded at me, their eyes glued to my face. I looked over to Tsireya, letting her take the lead.

"Breath in." Tsireya said as she moved her hands up towards her face. "And breath out." she added as she brought them back down. "Just imagine a flickering flame." She told them. I watched as Roxto made motions with his hands, bringing them up and down as he breathed.

Tsireya put one of her hands on Lo'ak's chest, the other being placed on his stomach. "You must slow down your heartbeat." She said. I smirked as Tsireya patted Lo'ak's stomach, telling him that he had to breath from there.

"Lo'ak, your heart beat is fast. Try to slow it down." Tsireya commented quietly to the boy. I looked at Neteyam, smiling at him slightly.

"Sorry." He muttered.

"Try to focus." Tsireya told him calmly. Lo'ak nodded, taking deep breaths as he looked ahead of him. I giggled quietly at the two.

I moved to the left watching as Neteyam breathed in and out. He was taking shorter breaths, indicating that he was still breathing from his lungs and not his stomach. I placed a hand on his lower stomach and chest.

"You're doing exactly what not to do forest boy." I smirked at him. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm a visual learner, I need to feel how it's done." Neteyam spoke as he took my hands off his body and placed his on mine. My face reddened as I realized where his hands were placed. One was resting in the middle of my stomach, the other right above my left breast.

"You're heartbeat is fast." Neteyam teased on a whispered as he leaned in towards me. Thankfully mostly everyone was occupied with breathing.

1252 words, proofread. Another chapter! The Sully boys have officially become master rizzlers. 😉

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