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Lo'ak, Neteyam and I had been climbing upside down on a pipe, looking for Spider. My wrists burned with every move I made, the skin ripping as I struggled to stay on the pipe. The blood dripping down my hands and arms didn't help either.

We kept moving along the pipe, shuffling and then stopping when the sky people ran under us, oblivious to the three of us hanging over them on the ceiling.

We had eventually found the human boy, but he was surrounded by Quartich's men. Neteyam gave us a signal, the three of us falling down from the pipe and attacking.

I punched one of the humans, killing him after throwing him into the wall, a sickening crack emitting from the body. Spider was still being held by two people, so I grabbed one of them and stabbed him with my knife that was being held on my waist by my holster.

"You guys came back." Spider spoke. Lo'ak and Neteyam gave him a brotherly hug, but I stood off to the side. When they broke the hug, Spider turned to me. He put his hand to his head and lowered. I hesitated but a small smile formed onto my face. His eyes widened as I reciprocated the gesture.

"We need to go." I told the boys as my ears tilted, hearing people running towards them. We started to run through the ship, hiding behind a wall when we started to get shot at. I was pressed against the wall as we sheltered from the shots that were being fired at us. My back was pressed up against the wall, Neteyam's front pressed up against me. He kept a firm grip on my waist, my his eyes meeting my distressed and scared ones. Our hot and heavy breathing mixed together, my ears twitching at every little noise.

Lo'ak grabbed a gun, pointing it at the avatars, but Neteyam moved away from me and grabbed it from his hands. Neteyam quickly loaded the gun, his nose scrunching up as he fired. He didn't kill anyone, but a few had been shot down to the ground, and weren't able to fight back. He ushered Lo'ak and Spider to jump into the water near them, the two complying.

"Go! Quick!" He shouted above the firing of the guns as the two leapt into the water. He expected me to go with them, but he wasn't totally surprised when he saw me next to him huddled in a tight ball on the ground.

"We have to move!" Neteyam yelled over the gun shots. He watched as I nodded, focusing back on the avatars heading our way.

"Alright, let's go." Neteyam spoke, shooting the gun. The body dropped, but more were running at them still.

Neteyam grabbed my arm, dragging me away from the avatars, through the ship. We had no idea where we were going, but kept running until we were sure that no one had followed us.

"Neteyam I can't keep running. I've lost too much blood, my head....." I spoke quietly, my head still ringing from the loud noises. He nodded and stopped running, taking my hands in his. He sighed deeply when he looked at my bloodied wrists, removing his hands from mine. I craved the warmth of his hands on him again.

He ripped a piece of his loincloth off, tearing that piece in half. He look at my with apologetic eyes, leaving me confused.

"I'm sorry." He spoke, grabbing my wrists and wrapping the ripped loincloth around my hand to stop the bleeding. I screamed in pain, Neteyam quickly moving to put a hand over my mouth to muffle my screams. Once I had calmed down he went back to tying the wrap. I moaned in pain, black dots dancing in my vision. Tears fell from my eyes, my head dropping back to lean against the wall.

"Done." The boy in front of me spoke, bringing his hand up to my face to wipe away tears. "We have to keep moving though. The ship is sinking." He spoke. I sniffled and nodded at his words, letting him take my hand again and lead me through the ship.

Water encased my foot, sending panic throughout my body. I watched as water quickly flooded through the hallway we were in, rumbling towards Neteyam and I.

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