Coming Clean

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My feelings for Neteyam have grow considerably since the re-arrival of the Tulkun. He cared for me in a way that no one ever has before.

It was a love that we had for each other that no one else could match. I could never have that kind of love for Drewan. I still had to find a way to tell my parents that I was not going to mate with him under any circumstances.

But I really didn't want to feel the wrath of my mother. However, I would rather be mates to Neteyam and have my mother's wrath rain down on me instead of mating someone I could never love.

"What are you thinking of love?" A voice spoke from behind me. I turned from my sitting position on the beach and saw Neteyam walking towards me. He had a lopsided smile playing on his lips as he crouched down next to me.

"Nothing." I woke. Neteyam raises an eyebrow at my unconvincing words. He tucked a curl behind my ear, taking my chin and turning my face toward him.

"Talk to me Y/n." He spoke, his eyes stuck onto mine. I took a deep breath and nodded, getting ready to speak.

"What is going on here?" A voice cried out before I could talk. A voice that could only belong to my mother.

"Mom!" I shouted as she stormed over to us. This did not look good for the two of us. It was late at night and we were sitting on the beach, our hair disheveled from swimming earlier. But any concerned parent would take it the wrong way at first glance.

"Is this why you've been gone all the time? Sneaking out to see the Sully boy?" She questioned. My ears lowered because she was right. It was exactly what I was doing. "Come with me. Now." She ordered.

Neteyam and I stood up, stopping at the Sully's tent to gather his parents before going back to mine.

"What is going on?" Jake questioned.

"Our children have been sneaking out at night to see each other." My mother spoke. Neytiri hit her son on the head, hissing at him. My father looked at me with a look of disappointment. My eyes became downcast onto the ground, finding the wood details of the flooring very interesting.

"What is the meaning of this?" My father spoke, waiting for one of the two of us to speak up.

"I do not wish to mate with Drewan." I spoke. My mother gasped and hissed, my father placing his hand on her arm. "He is not the one that I love." I spoke, lifting my head back up to face my parents as I spoke to them.

"You mean, you love him?" Father spoke. I nodded, wrapping my small hand around Neteyam's large hand.

"No! I will not allow this. You must mate with Drewan and carry his heir. I will not allow demon blood to be born into my family!" Ronal shouted at me.

I squeezed Neteyam's hand at my words, turning my head slightly to get the Sully's reaction to my Mother's harsh words. Their ears and head had lowered. They were ashamed.

"I do not care if my children have demon blood in them. Neteyam and the rest of his family are true Na'vi. They are standing in front of us, speaking the same language as us and wearing the traditional Omaticaya attire. Jake Sully died and was reborn into a Na'vi. And extra diget and eyebrows should not make him different than us, Mother!" I explained.

My Mother seemed to calm down a little bit after my rant to her, but she still seemed on edge.

"But what about Drewan? What will we tell his family?" My Mother questioned as she looked from my Father to me.

"I will tell his family that this was all a mistake and he is not fit for my daughter. That she has found her own man to become her mate." My father spoke as he walked forward and placed his hands on my shoulders.

I smiled as he did so, glad that he approved of my decision. I turned my head back to Neteyam, my smile spreading from my lips onto his.

"Go back and get some rest. Hopefully these two will not have to sneak around in the dark anymore just to see each other after this day. When you are ready and mated, we will hold the ceremony for the two of you." My Father spoke as he placed each of his hands on one of our shoulders.

The Sully's thanked him and walked out of the hut, Jake holding his mate's hand and his other places around his son's shoulder.

"Thank you." I spoke to my father. He nodded and walked into his room he shared with my mother, blowing out the candle that lit up the main room.

I walked to my room I shared with Tsireya and laid down, falling asleep to the soothing sounds of the lapping waves against the shore.

Sorry for the really short chapter. I have been very busy with vacations and volleyball, but hopefully more chapters soon!

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