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"Come I want to take you somewhere special." I spoke as I grabbed Neteyam's hand. I dragged him to the waters edge, calling for our ilu. We mounted them, swimming through coral reefs and schools of fish.

It's been a couple months since the secret came out that Neteyam and I liked each other. We had become more touchy in front of people as well. Both of our fathers and brothers had not learned to knock first before walking into our rooms. They had never walked into anything to horrible, just some heated mask out sessions.

"Are we almost there?" He questioned as we slowed down. I nodded as we swam through the entrance of a cave. It was dark for a while before the plant's illuminated, creating their own light. It was hoping that it reminded him of the forest.

"Y/n this is beautiful." Neteyam spoke, letting a breath out. He disconnected his queue from the ilu's, pulling himself up onto the grass.

"I'm glad you like it. I hoped that it would remind you of the forest." I spoke. He smiled and I pressed a loving kiss against his lips.

"It does." He spoke. There was a peaceful silence for a while until Neteyam spoke up again.

"Y/n?" He asked. I hummed in response, glancing over at him. I viewed his side profile as he looked up at the sky, his eyes tracing the constellations. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" He spoke quietly. My ears perked up as I quickly sat up. I watched as Neteyam's ears lowered.

"No. But, I love you too." I spoke. I smiled at him for a second before he spoke.

"C-can I kiss you?" He spoke, my heart melting that he would even think about consent before touching me. I turned back to him and nodded, leaning my face towards his as he leaned towards me.

Our faces stopped a few centimeters in front of each other, our hot breath fanning over the other's face. Neteyam brought a hand up to my jaw and connected his lips with mine.

Our lips moved together like they were destined to meet. My Mother had always said that when you meet your person, you get all bubbly and the fireworks explode.

Now I've realized that Neteyam is my person. He is the person who sets off my fireworks.

He brought his other hand up to fully cup my face, my hands moving to play with the braids that adorned his hair.

We took a quick break to quickly catch out breaths, going right back at it after. He moved his hands from my face to my legs, grabbing them and moving me so I was straddling his waist. His hands moved to hold onto my hips as I lowered my lips to his.

As we made out his hands shifted slightly, moving from my hips to my ass, squeezing softly and making my moan. He smirked into the kiss as I subconsciously rocked my hips a little.

I didn't know what I was doing. I had never had a boyfriend before or even a crush. I had never gotten this intimate with a boy before.

Neteyam placed his hands firmly of my hips again and stopped my movement. I broke the kiss and glanced at him, speaking softly.

"I-I'm sorry. I've never done this before." I spoke only to be cut off with Neteyam moving my hips. My eyes grew wide as he moved my body along his, my lips crashing onto his again.

"I see you." I spoke as I looked at him with hooded eyes. He moaned as the friction from my hips moving on his body created hotness within him. His head fell back, my mouth falling open to let a breathy moan out.

I was shocked to say at least. May I remind you that I had never had a boyfriend before, I had never made a boy moan because I gave him pleasure.

"I see you too." He spoke as I kissed him again, still continuing to move slightly. "Can I?" He questioned as he took the string of my top into his hand. I nodded and he quickly moved so both hands were placed on my top. His hands fumbled to get rid of my top, quickly throwing it to the side once he got it off.

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