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I sat in the hut with Ao'nung, helping our mother prepare todays dinner. We had already scaled a lot of fish, but our mother wanted to have an abundance for some reason. I had finished scaling my last fish, throwing it into the basket placed inbetween my brother and I. I looked over to Ao'nung to see him slowly scaling his fish, taking it sweet time to finish. I rolled my eyes and was about to speak when I heard the horn being sounded outside. I stood up quickly, grabbing my twin's hand and pulling him to the edge of the hut.

"The tulkun have returned! Our brothers and sisters have returned!" A loud voice shouted out. Ao'nung and I watched as Tsireya pulled Lo'ak into the water, swimming towards the Tulkun.

"The Tulkun!" I exclaimed as I looked next to me at my brother. His face held the same smile as mine. "

"Come on." He smiled as we called for our ilu. Manu swam over while chirping, rubbing her head affectionately against mine. I giggled as I rubbed a hand along her back. I got on, forming the bond and waiting for Ao'nung to do the same. Once he did so we took off, the ilu swimming smoothly through the waves.

We swam between all of the Tulkun, watching out for our spirit siblings. Ao'nung eventually spotted his, leaving me alone to find Noä. I spotted Neteyam looking around, a large smile plastered across his lips. I called out his name, catching the attention of the boy. His ilu swam over to me, the boy greeting me.

"This is incredible!" He laughed. I laughed along with him, smiling at the excitement he held in his smile.

"Want to meet my spirit sister?" I questioned, my voice a little lower than usual. Neteyam nodded, following me as we weaved through the Tulkun.

"Noä!" I called out once I spotted my spirit sister. Noä and I are the same age, her being the daughter of my mother's spirit sister. I stopped in front of her, Noä making happy clicking noises to greet me with.

Neteyam and I slid off of our ilu, submerging under the water.

'It is good to see you again sister! I have missed you' I signed to Noä.

'I have missed you so much too. I have spend a lot of good time with my mother and her new son though.' Noä spoke.

'Noä is related to my Mother's spirit sister.' I signed. Neteyam nodded, as I placed my hand against Noä head. I looked behind me to see Neteyam floating in the water. I beckoned him over, taking his hand in mine. A slight blush crept up on both of our faces as I moved his hand to touch Noä. My hand was on top of his, his hand under mine.

'She is beautiful' Neteyam signed. Noä wailed happily, speaking to me.

'He is very handsome and kind Y/n/n' Noä told me. I smiled under water and signed back.

'Stop it' I signed back jokingly. Neteyam watched the interaction, confused on why I signed what I did.

'What did she say?'  Neteyam's signed to me. I shook me head slightly.

'Nothing. It does not matter' I signed. Neteyam's cocked an eyebrow at my words.

'Well is must have been something. Because you blushed and told her to stop' Neteyam signed, a cocky smile playing on his lips.

I cursed to myself for putting myself in this situation. I forgot that I had taught Neteyam how to speak using sign language.

'She told me that you were....' I started, my eyes casting down while I signed the rest. '...handsome and kind' I signed. I didn't feel any movement next to me until I felt a hand being placed on my chin. Neteyam's fingers lifted my chin up so my eyes looked into his again.

'We'll do you agree with her?' Neteyam's signed, a joking look on his face. I nodded slightly, seeing the boy smile. 'Well I think you're beautiful and kind too' He finished. I smiled, biting down on my bottom lip slightly as my cheeks burned with a blush. Thank goodness for the cold water or else I'd turn red instead of blue.

I pointed up towards the surface, indicating to swim up for a breath. Neteyam followed me as I swam up, Noä breaching the surface as well.

"She seems to like you." I smiled. Noä splashed up with her large fin, emitting a laugh from Neteyam and I. I laughed, my head falling back as I did so. My hair fell into the water, my once dry curls becoming wet again.

I looked around, watching as my sister spoke to her spirit sister.

'I have met a boy' Tsireya signed to Awa'te. I smiled, knowing that my sister was talking about Lo'ak.

Neteyam and I moved to sit on Noä'a fin, signing to the tulkun for a while. I laughed hard at something Neteyam said, my ears quickly perking up at the sound of my name.

"Y/n." I turned my head to the voice, seeing my mother sitting on her Tsurak. I looked at Neteyam and he nodded, letting me go with her. With a smile plastered on my face, I swam over to my mother.

"Come, Roä wants to see you." She spoke as she put her hand out in front me. She pulled me onto her Tsurak, letting me place my hands onto my mothers shoulders .

We reached a large Tulkun who was floating in the water, sliding off of the Tsurak and putting our heads into the water.

"Roä it is good to see you again." I signed to my mothers' Tulkun. Ronal smiled softly at the sight of her daughter and her spirit sister talking together.

"It is nice to see you again, Y/n. You have grown into a beautiful young woman. I am sure you are making both of your parents very proud of you." Roä spoke.

"Ronal I think it is time that we tell her" Roä spoke to her sister.

"Tell me what?" I signed quickly.

"Your father and I are trying to find a possible suitor for you. To mate with when it is time." Ronal signed as she looked at me.

My eyes widened and a scowl spread onto my lips.

"What?! No I do not want to do that." I signed back as I looked at her. My mother nodded her head up to the surface of the water, swimming upwards as I followed her.

"Daughter surely you knew this was going to happen at some point. You are our eldest child, therefore you and your mate will become the next leading pair." My mother spoke.

I hissed slightly as my ears bent downward. Ronal hissed at her daughters' behavior, calling her Tsurak.  This is final, you will meet the boy tomorrow when he comes for a feast. You will get to know him." Ronal spoke harshly. I tilted my head down, removing my gaze from her, but still nodded.

"Yes Mother." I spoke as I watched her leave. Most of the clan had left their siblings, leaving to go back to their homes.

"Fuck!" I shouted loudly as I slammed my hand down onto the water. No one was nearby me, so I called Manu and swam back to the shore.

"There you are. I thought I lost you in the sea of tulkun's." Ao'nung spoke once my ilu stopped in the shallow water.

I ignored my brother and walked past him, an angry scowl on my face.

"Someone's in a bad mood." He joked with a smile.

"Shut up, Brother." I spoke, as he nodded his head as he walked away, probably to meet up with his idiot friends.

I stormed into the family hut, my father's eyes going wide at the state I was in. He looked to his mate to see her nod. So she did break the news. Tsireya looked confused, glancing at her parents as they held a silent conversation.

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