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As we got off of Neteyam's Ikran, I turned to see our parents standing there with disappointment shown on the faces.

"Get here." Jake spoke sternly to Neteyam. I gave Neteyan small smile and let my hand fall off of his shoulder as he walked towards his Father.

"Y/n you too." My Mom spoke. I put my head down as I walked past Jake and Neytiri and followed my parents. Neteyam's parents trailed behind us, whispering as we walked towards my families hut.

"Get out. I need to speak with you sister and Neteyam." My Father ordered Ao'nung. He rolled his eyes and groaned, but stood up and walked out of the hut.

"What was that?! Neteyam we told you no flying here! We did not want the villagers to be scared or harmed." Jake spoke sternly to Neteyam. He let his head hang, my attention being brought to my parents when they spoke.

"Y/n we are ashamed. You know better! You are going to be the next leader! You need to start thinking and acting like one!" My Father spike as he placed a hand on my head. I nodded, not letting the welled up tears in my eyes fall.

I was not going to cry in front of everyone, let them see my weaknesses.

"It was my fault. I pressured her into flying with me. If you are going to be ashamed of anyone, it should be me." Neteyam spoke as he placed a soft hand on my arm and pulled me behind him a little.

My eyes widened a little, my mouth parting as I watched Neteyam take the blame for me. Ronal and Tonowari nodded, my father huffing our air.

"Go. Hopefully we will never have this talk again." My Mother spoke. Neteyan nodded, his head still hanging low as his Mother placed a hand on his shoulder and guided him back home.


It was completely dark out when I heard foot steps fall past my mauri. I peeked my head outside of the hut to see Neteyam walking towards the beach. I tiptoed last my family and out of my hut to follow him.

He stopped on the rocks when he heard me, turning around to face me. His ears were pushed down, a wet trail of fallen tears engraved into his cheek. I moved forwards and wiped the falling tear off of his face with my thumb.

"Why did you take the blame for me?" I questioned softly. Neteyan sighed, and I already knew the answer.

"I don't know. I guess it's a habit with my siblings." He spoke. I nodded softly.

"But I'm not one of your siblings. I am a young woman who I capable for taking the blame for something I did. I don't like seeing your parents blame you every time someone else does something wrong, Neteyam." I told him as I moved my hand so my fingers intertwined with his.

"I know. Sometimes I wish I wasn't the eldest. There's so much responsibility thrown onto my shoulders. I have to take care of my siblings, but no one takes care of me and makes sure I'm okay." Neteyam spoke softly.

"We'll that's what I'm here for. I will take care of you and make sure that you're okay because...." I started as I intertwined my other hand with his and brought it to my heart. "....Because I See You." I finished, looking at Neteyam through my light blue eyes.

His ears perked up at my words, the boy bringing my body close to his. His arms wrapped around my neck as mine wrapped around his waist. We stayed like that for a little before he pulled away and spoke.

"I See You too." He said with a smile as he cupped my cheeks with his large hands. I gave him a smile back, my lips moving to show my white teeth.

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