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We all swam frantically as the human ships chased after us. Neteyam's ilu swerved around the coral and seaweed, the two of us getting chased by a ship. His grip on my thigh was tight, making sure that I didn't fall off. One of the ships shot something at us, sending sound waves through out the water.

The waves sent us flying off of the ilu, into the open water where the ship could see us. Neteyam tried to call his ilu back, but it was no use. He did not want to come back to the area.

I grabbed Neteyam's hand, dragging him through the water towards the seaweed so we could hide. The ship were gaining on us as we weaved through the kelp.

I watched Tuk lost her grip on Kiri, totally flying off when a giant leaf had hit her. I watched as the little girl quickly swam out of sight into a large plant with an air bubble for her to breath.

Neteyam tapped me shoulder to let me know that another ship was going after us. Now two of the humans ships were chasing after us. We swerved and turned through the seaweed, trying to get them off of our tail. They launched something towards us, enclosing a bet around me. It was a small enough net that Neteyam could not fit either. 

He grasped onto the net around me, pulling out his knife to try and cut through it. A large Ikran dove into the water, scooping up the net with me in it and flying into the sky. Neteyam held on as we surfaced, both of us breathing heavily.

"Neteyam let go." I spoke urgently. The boy shook his head as he kept on cutting at the rope. "Neteyam. Look at me." I spoke again. He stopped cutting at the rope, looking at me.

"I'm not going to leave you." He spoke, taking his eyes away from me to go back to cutting.

"Then I'm sorry." I said. He looked at me confused until he felt my hands on his. I pried his hands off of the net quickly, Neteyam falling into the water below me. The Ikran landed, the rough impact of the floor sending waves of pain throughout my body.

I hissed at the man who captured me, only to have my face be met with the ground in about a second.

"They will come after you!" I yelled in Na'vi. "And kill you again." I finished. The man sneered at me, putting pressure onto my arm. It was bent behind my back in a weird position, making my cry out in pain.

"You must be the Olo'eyktan's daughter. I mean you're dressed all fancy with accessories. Means they must be coming after you." He spoke. I hissed again at him, my tail swishing angrily in the air.

"Cuff her!" I heard a Quaritch shout as he handed me off to a woman. She nodded, cuffing me to a railing. I hissed at her, earning a pull on my queue. I hissed in pain, my voice cracking towards the end.

She walked away, leaving me to myself. I helped out in surprise when a hand reached over the side of the boat, a face and a body following it quickly. Neteyam had followed the Ikran, watching as I had been tied up. He climbed up the side of the boat to save me.

"Be quiet." He spoke. I nodded as he crouched next to me, pulling out his knife and cutting away at the cuffs that held me to the railing. Just before he could fully cut the cuff away, another Ikran started landing close by with another net. Neteyam jumped back into the water, hiding from the sky people.

"Y/n!" A voice shouted. I turned my head to be met with Lo'ak, Tsireya and Tuk. They had been captured in a net as well.

"Cuff ''em to the railing next to the Metkayina girl." A bald man spoke. Lo'ak hissed at the man holding onto his queue as the three were forced down to the ground, being cuffed to the railing like me.

"Lo'ak! I'm scared." Tuk cried out to her older brother." He shushed her, telling to be brave.

I tried tugging at my cuffs, but Neteyam had not cut through them enough for the material to snap. I hissed in frustration, a smile forming on my lips once I saw an army of Tsurak swimming towards us.

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