Hide 'n Seek

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My Mother had urged me to hang out with Drewan today, the boy I am promised to. I really didn't want to, but I wasn't looking to get into any more trouble with my parents.

"So.... Are you a warrior back in your village?" I questioned, breaking the awkward silence that hung in the air between us.

Drewan shook his head. I sighed heavily, not really caring if the boy in front of me heard me. I'm promised to a non-warrior teenage boy? At least Neteyam was a warrior back in the forest.

"What about you? Have you gone through any Tsahik training?" Drewan asked. I gave him a questioning look.

"No. I am a warrior. I train alongside my brother and his friends." I spoke with a strong and clear voice. He nodded his head, a look of uncertainty on his face. "What? Do you not believe me?" I questioned the boy.

Drewan smirked a little, telling me my answer. I nodded, scoffing a little. I stood up, offering my hand out for him. He took it, using it to help him stand up.

"Grab your spear and meet me back at this spot in 5 minutes." I spoke, running towards my hut to fetch my spear.

My family was inside the hut, preparing lunch. My father had a hand on my mother's stomach, rubbing over it, and talking to the unborn baby.

"What are you doing back so early, Y/n? What happened to hanging out with Drewan." My mother spoke.

"We are sparring. He does not believe I'm a warrior." I spoke with a small smirk forming onto my lips. My brother and father looked up at me when I spoke, the two sharing a knowing smile.

"Go kick his ass!" Ao'nung shouted, learning the foreign curse word from undoubtedly Lo'ak Sully. Ronal hit her son on the head at his words, hissing at him.

"You go show him not to mess with you, daughter." My father spoke as he looked from my mothers swollen belly to me. I smiled and nodded my head, running out of the hut and back to the beach.

Drewan stood there with his spear, teenage boys surrounding him. He must've made some new friends in the few days he has been here, those boys accompanying him for our spar.

"You brought your friends here to watch you get your ass handed to a girl?" I spoke, smirking at the boys behind Drewan. I knew these boys. They were Ao'nung's friends, the group of young warriors I trained with.

They smirked and nodded at me secretly behind Drewan's back, encouraging me.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, sweetheart." Drewan spoke. I internally barfed when he spoke, but played along with him anyway.

"Oh really?" I spoke before lunging at him, my spear moving outwards to poke him. He blocked it quickly, returning with a jab of his spear. I brought my spear up, the two wooden spears clashing. As the two of us pushed our spears against each other, I was able to grab the shaft of his spear and pull it out of his grasp. I threw it off to the side, doing the same for mine.

It wouldn't be a fair fight if I had a spear and Drewan didn't. His eyes widened when he saw me throw my spear away, but nonetheless crouched down into a fighting position.

He ran towards me, taking me down to the group. I have to be honest, he was a lot stronger than some of the other guys I have fought with. He was tall and pure muscle.

My back hit the ground, sending the air in my lungs out into the atmosphere. The boy moved to sit on top of me, holding my arms down by my side. His face hovered over mine, letting me really get a good look at him for the first time.

Drewan was actually a pretty good looking guy compared to the rest of the Metkayina in my village. I had to give my parents props for picking a guy who could actually be worthy of me.

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