Training and Flying

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After the debacle of hide 'n seek yesterday, my father had decided that it was time for Neteyam to start his warrior training.

"Father! Why do I-" Ao'nung protested once our Father told us that he would be training Neteyam. My father quickly shut him up, but my mother spoke up.

"Dear, why don't we have Y/n train him. She will be the next Olo'eyktan. It would be good to see if she can handle a responsibility like this." Ronal spoke up, smiling gently at her twins.

Ao'nung smiled back at his mother, thankful while I stared at her with a blank face. Things between Neteyam and I were a little awkward right now after what happened between the two Mauri.

"But-!" I tried to shout, but my father gave me a quiet glance that shut my mouth up. He nodded his head towards the door and I grumbled as I sat up, walking out of the hut.

I thought of what I could say on the way over to the Sully's hut, stopping right before the entrance and taking a deep breath.

"Hey Y/n!" Tuk exclaimed as she ran over to me, hugging my legs. I ruffled her hair gently, a smile on my face as her mother called her back over. At the sound of my name, Neteyam looked up, a blush evident on his face. Lo'ak looked at him weirdly, reminding himself to tease his older brother later.

"What can we do for you Y/n?" Neytiri asked. I looked right at Neteyam, giving him a small smirk.

"My Father has decided that it is time for Neteyam to start warrior training here. We know that he was a warrior back in the forest, but here he is not." I spoke, Jake nodding slightly at my words.

"And who would be training me?" Neteyam spoke up for the first time today. I looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"My Father thought it would be best if I taught you." I sighed, trying my best not to roll my eyes. Jake and Neteyam nodded, Jake walking over to his eldest son and plucking him off of the ground.

"Better get your training started." He spoke, pushing his son towards me. Neteyam stumbled over a couple of Tuk's toys that were spread out on the ground, leaving me to reach out to stabilize him. My hands were on his arms as he looked up at me, staring into my eyes for a couple of seconds. His amber eyes quickly flickered to my lips before Lo'ak coughed behind us.

"Right, let's go." Neteyam spoke quickly as he took my hand and dragged me out of his family's hut. He stopped once he walked a little distance away from the hut, turning back to me. "I don't know where to go." He spoke, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded with a laugh, dragging him along as I walked towards the beach where the warriors trained.

I spotted my brother and his friends training with my Father, their attention moving over to Neteyam and I once we arrived. My Father gained their attention back quickly, leaving Neteyam and I to walk over to the spears.

"What are we going to learn first? Sparring? Throwing? Spear fishing?" Neteyam spoke, twirling a spear in his hand but ultimately dropping it. I laughed at him and shook my head.

"No. We're working on regular hand on hand combat." I spoke. Neteyam's eyes widened when he realized what that meant. He nodded, gulping slightly.

I dragged him to an open spot, gently placing my jewelry to the side so it would not break. I had worn some old clothes, knowing that they would most likely get dirty or somehow ripped.
We got into our positions, Neteyam smiling at me slightly. I smiled back, winking at him and lunging at him. He was quick to move out of the way, leaving me to turn back around. Neteyam moved down to tackle my legs, leaving his face open for me to hit with my tail. I turned, my tail slapping the boy in the face.

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