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||I changed the title and the cover of this book to give it a little refresh because Summer is so close!||

"Y/n!" Someone shouted my name as I walked into my hut. I stopped and quickly turned, seeing my brother and his two friends running up to me.

"Yeah?" I questioned. The three stopped in front of me, their hands on their knees as they bent over to catch their breath. I raised my non-existent eyebrow at them.

"We're going hunting outside the reef. Come on." Ao'nung spoke. I nodded and walked into the hut to grab the spear that sat by my father's weapons.

"Let's go. What are we waiting for." I spoke as I hit Ao'nung on his shoulder lightly. The three boys followed me as we ran to the edge of the walkways, calling for our ilu as we jumped in. Manu swam to my side quickly, tsaheylu bonding quickly.

The four of us swam to the reef barrier, swimming to an open spot in it. We stopped near a rock when we saw another ilu swimming near by. The person riding on it called out for us, my ears tilting towards the sound.

Lo'ak eventually stopped in front of us, his ilu chirping happily at Manu.

"Hey. Sorry I hit you..." Lo'ak started. By the tone of his apology, I knew he was going to add something witty and stupid at the end to set Ao'nung off again "...so many time." Loak added, sarcasm dripping off his tongue.

My brother's eyes glanced to his friends, a smirk placed on his lips. "Ah. Don't worry about it. We should be friends." He spoke as he placed his arm out towards Lo'ak. I quintet my eyes at my brother knowing something else was going on.

Lo'ak nodded and grasped Ao'nung's arm. "Friends." He spoke. I smiled slightly seeing the friendship 'blossoming' between the two.

"You should join us in hunting. Outside the reef. It's where the real men hunt." Ao'nung spoke. I rolled my eyes, clearing my throat. "Sorry, and my sister." He added, a smirk tugging playfully on his lips. I hissed at him, his friends being intrigued between the little sibling dispute.

"I'm not allowed past the reef." Lo'ak spoke. I sighed and clicked my tongue to the roof of my mouth.

"I knew I asked the wrong brother." Ao'nung spoke. My ears flitted up at the mention of the older Sully brother.

"Actually, let's do this." Lo'ak spoke, quickly changing his mind. Ao'nung whooped and handed him a spear, clicking his tongue to signal that we're leaving.

Manu swam next to Ao'nung's ilu, Kan. They chirped happily, the two also being twins. I mean how ironic is that?

Many jumped up into the air as we rode the waves, following my brother, Lo'ak and my brother's friends. Manu landed back in the water again, giving me time to look around at the deep part of the sea. Father usually never lets us go out past the reef unless we're hunting.

Kan came to a stop, the other ilu doing the same as him. We all came up for air, breathing heavily from excitement and exhaustion.

"That was insane cuz!" Lo'ak exclaimed, a prominent smile shining across his face. I smiled at the younger boy, my two dimples showing on my cheeks as I did so.

"Come." Ao'nung spoke. We followed him, Lo'ak holding the spear in front of him. We swam around the reef to where a giant aray of fish were swimming.

'Call the fish' Ao'nung signed as he imitated a fish noise. Lo'ak nodded and swam behind a large coral reef where he hid, imitating the fish call.

'Look at him. He looks so stupid!' One of Ao'nung's friends, Mäo signed. I glared at him, signing angrily.

'Stop it! I'm sick and tired of you guys making fun of the Sully kids. Especially you Ao'nung. I expected better from the Olo'eyktan's son.' I signed. The boys' ears lowered, their eyes casting down onto the sea floor.

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