'Finger Talk' and Fights

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"This is swim." I spoke as I moved my fingers, putting them into a position. Neteyam copied me, his fingers jumbling around. I sighed and smiled at the big slightly, taking his fingers and placing them correctly.

"Home." I spoke as I changed my fingers again and placed them close to my heart. Neteyam copied me, correctly this time.

"Friends." I said as I moved my hand again. Neteyam struggled with this one, huffing air out harshly.

"I don't get it!" He shouted in an annoyed manner. I giggled softly, Neteyam shooting me a look.

"You will get it. Perfecting something takes time Neteyam." I spoke. He nodded and watched as I signed 'friends' again.

After a couple tries Neteyam's had finally gotten the basic signs down. He was a fast learner, it just took time for the harder signs.

"I think this is enough learning for today. You did good Neteyam, you should be proud of yourself!" I exclaimed as I called Manu over to me. Neteyam called his ilu over to him, both of us connecting our queues to theirs.

As we swam back to the beach we heard shouting coming from around the left side of the shore. Neteyam and I have each other worried glances, Neteyam speeding ahead when he heard Lo'ak shouting.

I groaned and turned Manu to follow him, hopping off of her as Neteyam walked through the shallow water and into the sand.

"Hey! Don't touch her." Neteyam spoke as he quickly walked up to the group, his hair swinging back and forth as he did so. Kiri ripped her hand out of Ao'nung's grip once Neteyam got there. One of Ao'nung's friends went to reach his hand out again, retracting it quickly when Neteyam spoke again

"Don't you dare touch her." He snarled as he pointed a finger at Ao'nung. "Leave them alone." Neteyam added.

"Ah...big brother coming..." One of the boys said in a mocking tone, but was cut off by Ao'nung putting his arm out infront of him. Neteyam put his finger Ao'nung's chest and poked him.

"Back off. Now." He growled. Ao'nung raised his hands up his ears lowering ever so slightly as he backed up.

"Smart choice." Neteyam commented before walking away from the group. "Let's go." He told Lo'ak and Kiri.  I heard one of the boys said 'bye-bye' in a mocking tone.

"All freaks, the whole family." Ao'nung commented. I honestly don't know why he is so different from Tsireya and I. I saw Lo'ak stop beside Neteyam. He walked up to my brother slowly, stopping in front of him.

"Lo'ak." Neteyam warned when the boy turned around and walked back over to the group of Metkayina. Lo'ak reassured his brother, but it obviously didn't work. He put his hand up to Ao'nung holding it out in front of him.

"I know this hand is funny." He spread his fingers out and rotated his hand a little. "Look, I'm a freak. Alien....But it can do something really cool too...watch." Lo'ak told the boy in front of him. Both Ao'nung and I were peaked interest in what Lo'ak was doing. I reached my head over my brother's shoulder slightly from my position behind him and watched Lo'ak.

"First I ball it up really tight like this." Lo'ak said as he used his other hand to ball his other hand into a fist. "Okay? Then I..." Lo'ak didn't finish his sentence because he punch Ao'nung in the face quickly. I flinched, falling back onto the sand. I didn't get hit, but I could feel the air from the punch Lo'ak threw at my brother.

"Holy Shit!" I yelled, backing up on the sand. I scrambled upright, standing next to Kiri. She checked on my to make sure I wasn't hurt. Lo'ak hit Ao'nung a couple times again until he fell to the ground.

Ao'nung quickly got up and ran over to Lo'ak lifting him up off of the ground and slamming him back into the water. Ao'nung and the other boys ganged up on him, Neteyam rolling his eyes and shaking his head as he jumped into the fight as well.

"Ow my tail!" Lo'ak shouted as he was dragged by his tail. He reached forward to Ao'nung and grabbed the boys' ear.

"Ow. Ow! My ear. Let go of my ear!" Ao'nung whined. Kiri and I stood in the background, laughing at our brothers. When I decided that the fight needed to be finished, I walked over.

"Stop! This is so stupid. You are like babies, all of you!" I spoke as I tried to pry one of Ao'nung's minions off of Lo'ak. He must have thought that I was Neteyam because he whirled around, sending a hard punch right to my face.

"Shit! What the fuck dude!" I shouted as I grasped onto my bleeding nose. All of the boys eyes grew wide as they watched the blood flow down my face.

"I thought you were-!" He started, but he was cut off by someone sending a punch right into his jaw. His face moved the the left quickly due to the pace of the punch that was thrown. Ao'nung jumped on him, pummeling his face into the ground.

"Don't you ever lay your hands on my sister ever again! You hear that dude?" Ao'nung hissed. His friend nodded quickly, holding his hand to his nose and running away.

"What the hell happened here?!" Someone shouted from behind me. I cringed, knowing exactly who the voice belonged too. Jake Sully

"Let's go." Jake ordered as he looked at his bloodied and bruised children. Jake grabbed Neteyam and Lo'ak by their arms. I watched them, putting pressure on my still bleeding nose. Jake Sully glanced back at Ao'nung and I.

I sighed, turning around to look at my brother. He walked up to me, quickly embracing me and dusting the sand off of my face along with the blood from my nose.

"You okay?" He questioned. I nodded, giving him a small smile to show I was grateful for my twin. We dusted the sand off of each other, heading back to our families hit to get patched up.

We finally got to the medicine hut where our Mother was. I said a quick hello as I walked in, leaning against a table as our mother looked at the two of us.

"You two? Dear lord." She sighed as she clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth. She walked over to me, guiding us to sit down on the floor.

"This may sting." Mom spoke as she brought an ointment to my nose, rubbing some on. I hissed and whined in pain, Ao'nung snickering. I sent him a glare, and slapped him playfully, making him laugh more.

"Will I be okay?" I spoke. Ronal hummed, thinking for a second.

"Well it's definitely broken. It should take a couple of days to heal. You were lucky though. It wasn't a bad break." Ronal told me. I nodded.

"Thank you Mom." I spoke to the her. She nodded, a small smile tugging on her lips. She leaned down and kissed me on the head before moving onto my brother. I smiled to myself as I walked out of her hut.

1272 words. Sorry for being like MIA. I've been injured from track so I've worked on getting strength back to my bone and I have regents soon! So I have a lot of studying for that. Since Avatar TWOTW come to Disney+ on June 7th, I'm staring this book up again.

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