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This takes place after Koyuki's death. There will be a flashback to her death by Kokushibo. Enjoy! Also, this is modern au.

Akaza POV:
"Please may any family or friends say their last words to miss koyuki before we prepare her for heaven." I hated funerals. ItSooo boring. But this one was completely different. It wasn't an aunt I had never seen before or a cousin who hated my guts, but my girlfriend. I couldn't help crying, no matter how strong I tried to stay for her dad. I was the only thing he had left to hold onto. He was the only thing i had left as well. Although me and koyuki acted like we were a couple, we really treated each other as siblings. This meant it hurt more as I felt as if I was losing a sibling rather than a girlfriend. She was lesbian and I was bisexual. Her girlfriend came to the funeral as well but sat in the 'friends' Isle. Damn... I really did have a great sibling bond with her. She wasn't even blood-related, yet she was closer to me than my own mother...

Kokushibo POV:
I was glad koyuki was gone. In fact, even though I hadn't killed her, I watched her get killed. It brought me pure joy. Seeing her coffin made me feel happy that someone had rid the world of a disgusting brat. If she hadn't stole akaza from me, i wouldn't have let her die. She brought this upon herself. I looked over to akaza ( he was sitting next to me) and saw him sobbing as if the world had ended. I couldn't understand why he was crying, but yet again, it was his girlfriend. I slipped my hand into his and squeezed it. I had to let him know I was there for him. He smiled at me gratefully before talking to her father. I wouldn't kill him. Akaza needed him as much as he needed akaza, I also pitied the man. I hated to admit that, but koyukis father had earned my respect by taking akaza in at 9 years old. Douma sat behind me. He tried to look upset, but he was equally as happy as i was. Except I was happy for a completely different reason. He hated koyuki as she always stayed next to akaza. Almost clinging onto him. I couldn't think negatively right now. I had to support akaza with his loss and my gain.

After the funeral

Akaza POV:
Shiro (koyuki's dad) had left to talk to koyuki's friends. I assumed he was thanking them for their time and support towards koyuki. "Hey, akaza!"

"Oh hi Azumi!" She smiled at me, trying to cover the fact she had been crying.

"How are you after losing a sibling?"

"Not the best. I didn't think it would hurt this much... what about you? After all you lost your girlfriend"

"It would be a lie to say anyone's doing fine. Even that Kokushibo guy seems sad. Or maybe angry. I can't tell him."

"Yeah, he looks angry." She walked away to say bye to Shiro. "Akaza?" I looked up at Kokushibo. His face was stone cold. Had he heard everything we had just discussed?

Kokushibo POV:
Koyuki was his sibling!? Not girlfriend? Oh shit I've messed up bad... Akaza looked panicked at my facial expression. I just pulled him into a hug. His body jumped a bit. Was he scared of me? I felt his hands clutch my suit. He sobbed into my chest. (Lol, he's too small). "Ahhh, Kokushibo!" I looked over to shiro approaching me. "Need a hand, or do you want to hold your crush?" Huh? How did he know? "Umm, how did you know..."

"Dad senses.!" I can see why akaza likes him. He's a very caring man. "Do you know akaza's sexuality?" He nodded his head before chuckling. "I've only just been told by koyuki's girlfriend!" Girlfriend!? Fuck- "mmmm." I looked at akaza. He'd fallen asleep. I chuckled at him. I realised shiro was there. "I shouldn't be happy at my daughters funeral, but I told ya." I smiled slightly before picking akaza up bridal style and carrying him to shiros car. "Do you need a ride home?" I shook my head. "I'm going to get a ride from douma. Thanks, though." He smiled. "How about you take    akaza to yours? He needs the support, plus I'm at work tonight." I looked at him shocked. "R-really? Thanks a lot, Shiro." I grab akaza again before walking to douma's car. "Kokushibo!" Hmmm? I see Kyojuro. Ugh, this bastard. He's like koyuki. Stealing akaza away from me seems to be a hobby to him. "May I talk to akaza?" I shook my head. I showed him akaza asleep. "Ah. Okay, anyway, can we chat in private?" I nodded my head before placing akaza in the car. I look at Douma before walking away. I kept my hand in my pocket. Things were about to get messy...

"Soooo... what's your relationship with akaza?" What a weird question. "Close friends, why?"

"Nothing!" He smiled at me. I didn't trust him. He reached into his pocket. I looked at his movements and noticed something heavy in his pocket. I also reached for my gun. It only knocked people out. I liked to torture people until they kill themselves or they die from blood loss. He pulled out his weapon. "Say you're not planning on being with akaza?" He smiled again. "Ofc I am," I shot him in the neck, letting him collapse  in front of me. I shoved him over my shoulder and ran to douma, who had the boot open. "Hurry, people are staring!" "

"Well then, explain to the person who's walking up!" I left him to make an alibi whilst I shoved him into the boot. Pfftt, he really thought he could get rid of me. Damn- I would kill anyone for Akaza. Including my mum and brother. That made me sound crazy... maybe I was. But yet again, who wouldn't go crazy for akaza? "We are here~!" I grabbed akaza, whilst douma grabbed kyojuro. "I'm taking akaza to my room. I'll deal with kyojuro in a bit." Akaza looked so cute cuddling into my arms. I laid him down gently. Now it's time for kyojuro... he'd probably be awake by now... "LET ME OUT YOU BASTARD!" I grabbed his mouth. "You wouldn't want to awake akaza now, would you~"


"Maybe I am... maybe I'm not... but no one. And I mean NO ONE trys to steal akaza from me... you hear me?"

"YOU MURDERER! YOU KILLED KOYUKI DIDN'T YOU!" I slapped him before putting a knife to his neck. Blood trickled down him. "Better watch your mouth~"

Okay, so maybe I was insane...
But what's wrong with that?

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