•The past hurts•

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In this chapter, there will be mentions of: abuse, suicide, murder and blood. You have been warned.

Kokushibo POV:
"Cmon, akaza, hurry up already!" He was so slow at eating! "I'm coming! God." I grabbed his hand and rushed him out of the door. I lived down the road from our school, so we would just about make it on time. 'RING' Well, there goes the bell... "Okay, now you're being slow, Kokushibo!" He gripped my hand tighter and ran in front of me, dragging me across the path.

"You're late, Mr Hakuji and Kokushibo." I nodded my head. "Sorry, sir... it won't happen again." Akaza nodded at my response. "I trust it won't, but you still have a detention after school hours." 'Sigh'. I grab akaza and drag him inside. Luckily, it was only form time. "So I'll see you at lunch..." -kokushibo.

"Yeah... bye!" -akaza. I watched him get to his form room door. I didn't want him to get hurt. Then I slowly turned to my form room door. Well, today's gonna be just great...

Akaza POV:
Finally! Lunch is here! "Hakuji? Why are you packing up. Remember, I dismiss you, not the bell." Pfft. "Yeah, and the bells are doing a better job at making us leave on time than you! And you're paid!"

"Detention after school!" I shrugged my shoulders. When have I ever listened to that teacher. Never. All detetions she's given me I've never been to. "Class dismissed." Honeslty. If I had left, it would make zero difference. Damn- where's douma? He isn't sneaking up o-
"Akaza-DONO!" He is. "What is it?"

"Have you heard kyojuro committed suicide after abusing a girl!" That's impossible. We both made oaths that we would never hurt women. Yet he abused one?! And committed suicide!? "You're lying... he made an oath!" He chuckled. "Why would I ever lie to you?" He's right, though... he never has done, and never will. He swore on his own life... "I guess I believe you, but why? Why did he hurt a girl and then kill himself. How come you know?" I was very curious about how he got the info. "Oh, kokushibo told me. Mr Muzan told him! And how am I supposed to know why he did it. I'm not a genie!" I laughed at this. "Ofc you're not! You can't make any wish come true!" He pouted at me. "Hmphf! Oh... hey Kokushibo-dono!" I turned around to see kokushibo. I smiled at him before turning back around to Douma. 'RING! RING!' Well, there goes lunch... "Oh my look at the time! I've gotta run byyeeee!" Douma sprinted off towards I'm assuming maths class. Kokushibo had also gone. He was so silent, though. I shrugged my shoulders and started to walk towards science. As I was walking, I felt dizzy. A wave of anxiety flooded my body. Someone was watching me... either that or I might faint. Damn why was this happening now? Out of all the times my body could have picked it, it had to be now! My vision soon went black. The last thing I heard was my body hitting the floor.

Kokushibo POV:
I forgot to watch akaza to his room! I wasn't near my classroom yet, so I still had time. The halls became quiet as I advanced towards akazas' science room. *insert best scream ever* what the fuck was going on?! I ran as fast as I could to the scene (kokushibo the detective lol). "What happened?"

"Akaza's out cold!" I froze. He wasn't, was he? I knelt down to feel akaza's body. "It's the right temperature, so he's not near death or dead, but he definitely fainted..." The girl nodded her head quickly. "Ara ara didn't know you were a good diagnoser kokushibo-San!" I groan inwardly at the purple bitch behind me. She always had to show up. She was like douma, a bad smell you can't get rid of. "Happen to be able to help akaza? Or are you gonna stand there showing your ass off." She glared at me. "Ara, ara, someone's feisty today! Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"STOP ARGUING! AKAZA IS UNCONSCIOUS YOU RETARDS!" We both turn towards the young girl who was clearly distressed. "Right... sorry, " I replied. "I'll get him to the nursing room..." I picked him up carefully. Shinobu skipped beside me, enjoying the fact I was annoyed at her existence. "So... Kokushibo-dono. How did you know what to do? You are terrible in med and nursing class! You aren't a killer, are you?" She smirked at this comment as I soon realised a group of snobs had overheard. They were bound to tell the WHOLE school. The worst part is that shinobu-san knows that I killed as she saw me do it on camera. She smiles again at me before opening the door. "Place him in the far left bed! I will be in with Miss Tamayo in a second!" *sigh* When would she learn to shut up about being close to the best doctor in the world. She should join the snob group! Fit in with her own bloody people! (No shinobu hate)

Akaza POV:
I could hear hushed voices as I slowly began to wake up. Well, that's what I thought... according to shinobu, I was in a coma. How hard did I hit my fucking head? This was gonna be torture. All I can do is listen to people talking, and that's not the funnest thing to do whilst you're paralysed. Although, every now and again, someone who died appeared right in front of me... it hurt when I saw my own dad and koyuki at the same time. It hurt even more that they wouldn't speak to me. It felt like someone was shooting me each time. "Akaza... *inaudible*" There goes kokushibo talking about me again.

Kokushibo POV:
It seems that every day, a bit more of sanity slips away. Every time I can't hear akaza laugh or talk, I feel like stabbing someone...

Readers view *3rd person POV*:
Kokushibo continues feeling this way for 2 weeks before akaza wakes up. He wakes up 5 minutes before kokushibo or shinobu are in, and so is with Lady Tamayo. Five minutes later.........................

Kokushibo POV:
"Ara, ara, do you think hakuji-san has woken up yet?" Ugh, this bitc- "I hope so..." She nods her head understandingly
,that's the only good thing about shinobu. She understands when people are uneasy or worried. "Shhhh!"

"Yushiro? Why do we need to be quiet?"

"Miss Tamayo is very busy!" I nodded my head. "Can we help?" Yushiro shook his head. "No, you can't.. here to see akaza, right?" Shinobu nodded her head. "Follow me then," I reluctantly followed him. He wasn't usely this nice. "Miss Tamayo, we have visitors!"

"Ahh! Come in!" I slowly walked in. "Here! Akaza, I believe you have visitors!" Wait, did she just say akaza?

"Ara ara hello akaza-san!"


You've read 1205 words! Love you all, and thanks for the support. I will post regularly now! Sorry for not posting a lot, though. I'm ill whilst having exams, so I'm really anxious rn! Bye guys!

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