•~•Then there was...•~•

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Don't yall hate it when Grammarly pops up whilst you're writing and takes you back to the start to fix 'errors' and spell names how they think they're spelt, It's like NOOOO FUCK OFFFFFFF. I HATE IT SO MUCH.

Kokushibo POV:
Akaza started trembling at the sight. I keep forgetting about his phobia of dead bodies. As for me, I don't care. Douma started ringing me. "Not the best time, Douma."

"It's an emergency, though! It's about Muzan and your brother."

"What have they done this time?"

"They keep trying to kill each other! Your brother was so close to killing him. Muzan was lucky I was there."

"Ugh... tell them to at least kill each other quietly. I can hear them from China."

"I will - wait?! YOU'RE IN CHINA?!"

"No, you absolute fool! Like I'd be in China!" I end the call. He's such an idiot. Honestly, I hate him so much, but he's too useful to let go. Akaza goes quiet, burying his face into my chest. I look at Skylar and the kid. Skylar looks alive. The kid is long gone, though. Maybe I can get Skylar to a hospital and get her quoted for the appearance of that creature. If she survives, it will help Akaza's mental health, my murdering cause, and the community so they know what to look out for. Heh... never thought I'd be one to help people.

Akaza POV:
I hate how I'm still hugging him, but I guess I'm scared to look at the bodies right now. Plus, he is jacked - damn. I need to stop. Finally, I decided to move away from him as I can't stand it anymore. I'm glad he helped me and all, but still. "Look, Akaza, I came to apologise -"

"I know you did asshole but it doesn't change the fact that you did what u did."

"I know, and I'm sorry for listening to him and getting angry at you all the time for making even the slightest movement or noise."

"Well, your 'forgiven' but. I still want nothing to do with you anymore."

"Akaza, please... let me do something to make it right."

"Oh, how about bringing my dead 'sister' back to life? Oh wait no you can't cause it IS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE! OKAY? IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIX IT NOW! The damage has already been done..."  I hate shouting especially at him but I can't let him get to me again. I let him off easily with MURDER. Murder of all things! So I can't let him off easily again. I want to see how far he goes for me or if the relationship is just nonsense and already broken. He mumbles something before turning away. "Want the dead bodies removed before I leave?" I nod quickly. The last thing I want in the house is dead bodies. I think I'd pass out or commit suicide just so I could escape them. For some reason, whenever I see a body, I feel the ghost watching me saying it's my fault even if it's a stranger. I guess I am paranoid.

I watched as Kokushibo burnt the young girl's body before grabbing Skylar's. "Where are u going with Skylar?" He nodded his head to the Police near her house. "Ah okay..." He smiles a little before disappearing from my view. That man is certainly a strange one...


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