●♡●Tokito Twins●♡●

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Hi, guys. I'm glad you all like this book <3. WE ARE SO CLOSE TO HAVING 1000 VIEWS! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Kokushibo POV:
Things just haven't been the same... Akaza has just moved on and is acting as if we weren't ever together. I mean, how? Even Douma wouldn't be able to, and he fakes everything! I just hate it. He won't look or speak to me. It angers me just as much as it makes me... upset. He needs to understand why I killed people. But I guess he wouldn't understand. After all, this is Akaza we are talking about. Douma isn't being helpful either. All he wants to do is mess around with Muzan and my brother! Ugh... I just need time to think. Do I continue to kill? Or do I stop for my beloved?

Douma POV:
Okay so Muzan is annoying the fuck out of me but until Kokushibo can learn to control his love issues I'm not being anywhere near him. I feel sorry for him though. He's been alone, drunk and in bad shape for the past week. I defo need to talk some sense into Akaza before it gets out of hand. If he needed to Kokushibo would murder the whole school for Akaza! He should be grateful someone loves him THAT MUCH. *knock knock* "Come in!" I call out. Akaza walks through the door to give me some medicine. "If you see Kokushibo give him them... they'll help with his stomach pains."

"How sweet of you Akaza-dono!"

"Yeah, yeah. I can still be worried about him yk."

"Of course I do. One question."

"What is it then?"

"How do you feel about the Kokushibo situation? With all the killing and shit."


I sat there watching his face to try and find my answer. He's surprisingly good at keeping himself composed. "I think this conversation is done." Just as I try to get him to stay he slams Muzans front door shut.

"Why's he in a mood?" I slap my face. "Nothing now go back to bed ur still drunk!"

"Party killer." I sigh in annoyance and turn my head away from Muzan. I just hope Akaza-dono and Kokushibo can resolve this." *PING*

                       DOUMA'S PHONE:

K: Don't come into school tomorrow if u wanna live.

D: Alr? Why?

K: Shits going down.

D: Kokushibo you wouldn't!

   KOKUSHIBO HAS BLOCKED THIS                             CONTACT.

I put my phone down and try to ring Akaza. No answer. Damn it Kokushibo! Why?! Poor Akaza-dono he's gonna lose everyone!


Akaza POV:
It's eerily quiet today. I saw everyone at break but now I only see 2-3 people per corridor. No one in lessons, no one hiding in the closet, no one making out in the toilets and no one in the cafeteria. The only place left to check is the cellar that they use for supplies. But why and how is everyone there?

{Timeskip to the cellar dun dun dun}

Whoever made the cellar light switch deserves to die. Who makes someone walk in the dark down 3 flights of stairs to get to the light switch. Even better - Why are there 3 flights of stairs to get to the supplies?! No wonder Mr Tomioka and Mr Shinazagawa (did I spell that right) are in such good shape. Just work out on the stairs carrying heavy supplies, and you'll get fit. Sighing in annoyance, I run my hand on the wall, trying to find the light switch. This is gonna take a while...

{30 minutes later}

Finally, I found the god damn switch.  As I flicked the light on, I noticed a speck of blood on the wall next to it. I tried not to think too much of it. Someone probably fell on the stairs and cut their hand... that's reasonable, right? Now, to see if anyone is in here...

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