{Had to repost} The future of us

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Please check out my new book <3 It's called in another life (genmui), and it's part of a series I'm going to make <3 Anyway, enjoy!

Kokushibo POV:
I slowly got out of the car, hesitating as I looked at the sign. The last time I'd been here was when I first met Akaza... It's been a while since I've seen him. I hope he's doing well after what he saw. "Kokushibo?" I looked down at Muichiro.


"Can you go inside? I'm meeting Genya and I'd like to speak to him in private!" This damn Genya won't stop seeing Muichiro even after I threatened him. I swear I'd he lays one finger on Muichiro. I'll torture him until he can't bleed anymore. "KOKUSHIBO!"

"Oh yeah, sorry, Mui. Sure, I don't mind if you see him..." Mui runs off towards the back of the cafe as I lean against the car. I'm waiting for Genya to appear when I noticed Douma's car pull up. What the hell was he doing here? And... is that Akaza?! He doesn't look fine, that's for sure, but why are they here? Akaza looks in my direction, but I turn my head so he doesn't tell Douma to drive off. If he does, I won't be able to try and talk to him.

I watched Douma run off to where Muichiro was... and Akaza walk inside. I followed Akaza inside, but now I'm wondering. What is Douma doing at the back of the cafe? Does he know Muichiro is there, or is it some odd coincidence? However, when I looked around for Akaza, he wasn't there... am I really hallucinating? Do I miss him that much that I'm imagining him here with me? I just decided to sit down and wait for someone to ask me what I wanted to eat.

Akaza POV:
As soon as I set foot in the cafe, I immediately felt sick. This place has too many memories... "KYA! AKAZA-SAN! I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN AGES!" I turn to look at Mitsuri holding my favourite cat Sweetpea in her arms. "Hi Mitsuri-san! How's Sweetpea?"

"Not doing too well at the minute... OH! AKAZA-SAN CAN U DO ME A BIG FAVOUR?!" I nod my head hesitatinatly. Knowing Kanroji, it will involve maid outfits...

"Kya! Thanks, Akaza-san! Anyway, my workers have all got a virus that's spread... and I have giyuu and rui working with me... can you help me out today? I'll pay u back! Promise!"

"Sure, Kanroji... How's Obanai? Oh! And how'd the date go?"

"Kya! It went amazing, he proposed to me!"

"That's amazing, Kanroji! Soooo when's the wedding?"

"Akaza-San! Well, if u must know it's on August 13th next year! Now hurry up and put this on! Giyuu has to wear it, and so does Rui... except Rui has a longer skirt since he's younger!" And guess what she gave me? A maid outfit... honestly, she's too predictable at times.

{\}Timeskip & a/n{\}
•It's not the end of the chapter. I just need to clarify some things.

1. Obamitsu are engaged
2. Kokushibo has already sat down at this point.
3. Muichiro and Douma are NOT besties they are just simply helping Akaza and Kokushibo for the sake of everyone's lives.

{\}End of A/N{\}
Akaza POV:
This outfit is extremely uncomfortable... and the skirt is way too short. Honestly, Mitsuri needs to get a new uniform for the men. "Akaza-san! Can you take Table 42's order, please?"

"Sure thing, Mitsuri!" I walked past Giyuu, who noticed me and raised an eyebrow telling me."Why the hell r u here." Im not surprised he said that I haven't visited in 2 months, so just to see me out of the blue must be a suprise. As I pushed past people trying to find table 42, I saw someone trying to pet Mitsuri's new cat. I think it's named... Yuki. I walk over to the male only to see he's with 2 other guys. "Sorry, can I just get Yuki, please? He needs his medication now." Whether that's true or not idk but I'm desperate to get this cat away from these men. The tallest one turns to look at me. Except he looks down... at me. I get I'm short, but there's no need to be so obvious! "Who? Do you mean this stupid white cat?"

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