☆•☆Someone... like me?☆•☆

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Yoooo I'm back. Sorry, I was on Holiday for a while so forgot to post! I'm rn listening to one of us and building our machine rn lol. Let's get on with this!

QUICK SUMMARY: Kokushibo and Akaza have decided to skive school for a week to give themselves a break and adjust to new lives. Kokushibo gives up killing (for now) and Akaza tries to forget what happened.


Akaza POV:
I've enjoyed the last week with Kokushibo... but he's gotten angry and violent... not joking! He'll be happy for a minute before flipping off at me when I haven't even spoken. I would be lying if I  said he wasn't scaring me. That man is capable of more than just my death... unlike me, I'm too big of a softie. Well in this life I am. In my last life, I killed people for food as a demon. Glad they don't exist anymore. Kokushibo was there too but I wasn't with him. I was with a guy called Douma... he sounds annoying plus I believe it's Douma as in Kokushibo's killing partner and school bestie Douma. I must've been pretty dumb to date him! He's an asshole. That's, to say the least...

"Akaza! Come down please!" Oh, that's Skylar. She offered to look after me whilst Kokushibo was on a mad one. "Coming!" The only bad thing is. She doesn't know what he looks like but he does. He knows where she lives as well. It scares me to think about what he would do to her if she was alone. "Could you help me prepare dinner? Tanjiro and Inosuke are coming over for food. I don't mind them two. Inosuke is my fav though. We have similar traits in our nature. "How are they then?

"They're fine actually. Things are working out for them!" I kept quiet. "Oh! I'm so sorry I forgot for a moment!" I pat her head. She's quite short and very young. She doesn't quite understand adult things just yet so she's always going to slip up some way. I wish I was 16 again. Even though I'm 3 years older than her I still miss being free to run around. "It's fine!"

"Can you get the door please?" I nod my head walking to the door. "Hey, Inos-" Why's he there?!? "Akaza-" I slam the door in his face. Why the fucking hell was he here?! Ugh... I open the door. I need to hide my nerves as best as I can. I don't want to look weak in front of HIM. "Akaza- please listen..." I can't do this. I slam the door again. I sit against the door hugging my knees. I won't open it till I'm forced to...

Kokushibo POV:
I sit against the door knife in hand... I can't believe what I was planning to do to a child! (He's talking about Skylar) He made me insane... I shouldn't have listened to him...

I was on my way to the shops for Akaza's birthday gifts. It was in two weeks and I couldn't wait to surprise him with his favourite people coming back from America. He'd never had a proper 18th so I planned on giving him the best day of his life. "Hey, mate. You seem a bit lost..." I turn to see a man similar age to me. "Yeah actually... hold on are you bleeding or is it someone else's?"

"Someone else's. Say you don't kill either do you?"

"I did. My boyfriend stopped me."

"Bummer. I ride solo so no one can stop me."

"Hmm I would but he's the whole reason I killed. I guess it was fun whilst it lasted.

"Kill once more then! It's like a drug. Addicting~" His voice became slower dragging the word to emphasise his point.

"I guess it can... let's kill them 2 girls over there." That was a horrible mistake... over the next week, I began killing again this time for fun. My brother was an officer and I thought I'd be one as well. But it looks like I'm the opposite of him... I'm the Demon he's the Law. It feels familiar... like it happened once... long ago. (Wonder why 😏) Ever since then, I got annoyed at Akaza for stopping my killing. I hated it. The more I'd kill the angrier I'd get at him. It got violent once. Yet he still stayed. He didn't get the birthday I'd planned. He just spent it locked up in his room. He stayed but became distant. Almost as if he was begging me to change before he left forever. As if he was holding onto the kind person I was -for a week-. I pitied him. That train was long lost... until..... he left. It broke me knowing I was the cause of his distress. The fact I'd driven him away... broken his heart, used him as an object. He trusted me and I'd let him down massively.


No wonder he was afraid of me. I let the knife drop onto the patio. The door swung open. Akaza grabbed me and flung me inside. "What the hell-" He pressed his finger against my lips. Damn... I think he realised what he'd just done and immediately removed it. "Look at the news then the window." Holy shit. He still cared for my safety? "Cover your eyes when the door opens got it?" Akaza nods his head holding Skylar who'd passed out from fright. No one knew what it looked like cause you couldn't look at it. Some say it's the last demon alive. Others say it's a Mentally unstable person. The door opens. I cover my eyes and hug Akaza to me. His face buried into my chest. Even the slightest peak at it would result in death. Skylar started moving, and Akaza grabbed her and covered her eyes well I think it was him. I can only hope it was. The door closes. Akaza goes to move but I cover his eyes. He's still here I can feel his presence.

We waited 2 hours before it finally left. Although as we opened our eyes there was a young kid next to Skylar...


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