-Bloody hands-

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Here is chapter 2: Also, please check out akazamybbg and their youtube channel akazamybbg2. It helps them out a lot!

Akaza POV:
I sat upright in my bed. What is that screaming? I chambered out of the bed and ran to the door. I pressed my ear next to the key hole. Okay, first of all, why does this room have a lock?! And second, is that kyojuro screaming? A door slammed, making me jump. Loud footsteps echoed up the stairs... they were coming to this room! Shit- I grabbed a pillow and blanket before wrapping myself as if I'd just woken up. The door opened slightly, "akaza?" I look up to see kokushibo's head. "Yeah?" I notice an awful smell. Blood... kokushibo's hands were stained red, and I'm pretty sure that's fresh blood. He comes in sitting next to me quietly. I keep glancing at his hands. He was getting stranger by the minute... plus, why was I even here? Aren't I supposed to be with dad- Oh, he goes to work right now... I lean my head on kokushibo's shoulder. I couldn't stand the sight of blood. It made me shiver with fear. "Akaza? Are you alr?" I looked up at him. "Y-yeah... but why are your hands b-bloody?" Damn now i was fucking stuttering! "Oh... It's red paint. It stunk the living room out." He glanced in my direction. Did I buy it or not? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Eh, I'll just roll with it. He notices me shivering and almost immediately throws the duvet on me. Who the fuc- my minds gonna explode soon. I was dying with curiosity as to what he's been doing. As let's be serious..
Who walks in and says oh it's paint if it reeks if blood and there was screaming? Sounds like he's sus.

Kokushibo's POV:
That damn prick can't learn when to shut the fuck up! Akaza is trying to bloody sleep, and all he's doing is screaming like a god damn baby. All I was doing was cutting his hands! I hear something upstairs. Akaza must have woken up! :) "What you smiling at physco." I chuckle. "Oh, just enjoying watching you suffer. Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to cut the rope here, old friend. Night-night!" I shot him in the head before taking his body and adding it to the pile in the other room. That's 99 bodies! Just need 1 more for 100! Anyway, right now, I need to attend to akaza's needs right away. So he doesn't snook around.

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