~●How to kill another yandere●~

501 17 13

Mentions of:
●12+ (violence)

Younger audiences read with caution!

Kokushibo POV:

"Akaza...?" There is no way he's awake! I must be dreaming or hallucinating! When did he wake up? Is he alr? There are just so many questions going through my head. "I'll leave you two alone. C'mon, Yushiro and Kocho!" She walked past calmly, eager to give us some room to catch up. "Long time no see, eh?" His soft voice immediately knocked me back to my senses. "Hmm... what happened to you?"

"I dunno it just happens every once in a while..." -akaza

"Right... do you know when you're allowed out?" He looked at me before smiling. "Tomorrow... I'm in good condition." I'm glad he was alright.

"There is one thing I want to tell you, Kokushibo..."

"Fire away then."

"Whenever I pass out... It's because someone's been watching me or I feel like someone is." What!? Someone's watching my pinky? Looks like I'm going to kill tonight... no one can hurt him or look at him. "Kokushibo? Are you alr?" I smile at him. "Mhm, nothing to worry about, darling. How about you rest up a bit more? I have business to deal with."

"•///• s-sure..." His face flushed red at the name I'd given him. I chuckled softly to myself before leaving Akaza a blushing mess. "Kokushibo-dono! Someone's watching you..." I turn to see Douma sprinting towards me.

"Someone's watching me?" He nods violently. "T-they have w-weapons and lots of b-blood." He panted. "Another murderer watching my future husband and watching me? My, my must have some balls." Douma glanced at my face, unsure about what I was about to do. "Grab my gun and knife. We are going to kill!"

Akaza POV:

There's no way he just called me.. darling?! Whispered voices came from the window next to me... Suddenly, I became curious, and I listened in. "We are going to kill!" Kill?! Was that Douma and... KOKUSHIBO? I HAD A KILLER TALK TO ME?! Fuck! He's coming in! "Weird, I thought I heard someone in here..." My hand clasped around my mouth to stop me from drawing attention to myself. "Hmmmm... Guess not. " I gently lowered my hand, still not daring to move in case he was still in here. I guess horror films taught me well! The door closes. FINALLY! Now, all I need to do is sleep, and then find out who Kokushibo is going to kill. That means no more hanging out with him or Douma as I'm sure he's involved... I check the coast before making a run for my room. I grasped the handle and slammed the door behind me. Phew... way too close of a call. Now I need to find a way out tonight so I can search his house. He must have killed lots of people to have weapons in every corner...

Kokushibo POV:

"I still think someone overheard us..." Douma shakes his head. "The only person in there is... AKAZA!" My face dropped immediately. Had he overheard? Fuck, fuck fuck! He's gonna think I'm a monster! There's no chance he would like me if he found out. I have to be more tactical around him. "He defo heard you... I just saw him run back to his room." Shit. "Douma... you go kill that yandere I'm going to explain to Akaza..." He nodded his head before running off to the west. Now it's time for Akaza...

I grabbed hold of his door, hesitating silently. CRASH. What the fuck was that?! "Who the bloody hell are you?" BANG. I wasn't waiting any longer. I yank the door open, revealing lots of blood and glass everywhere. "Ah! Kokushibo-san! How are you today?" I spun around to see a short blonde girl. "Say... you don't care about him, do you?" She pointed over to Akaza, who was drifting in and out of consciousness.

"What the fuck do you want?!" She smiled.

"Nothing~ just YOU!" Damn so now I was being watched by a fat hoe. 😕 So this is what it feels like... except Akaza has a beautiful man admiring him not a fat ass bitch like mine. "Why are you hurting Akaza?"

"You're only mine! Plus, I wanted him to know who you are so he'd stay away from you... I was the one that put him in the wrong room! I let him hear your conversation so he would stay away! But he never learns... he didn't take the hint. He still stayed with you... so this is my revenge!" BANG! Doumas gun went off. "You alr kokushibo-dono?"


"My, my, a simple gunshot can't kill me!" Great the bitch is alive. I grab my knife before stabbing it multiple times in her back, heart, and lungs. She needs them the most. I also have a collection of them, so she would be fine to add! She screamed as I stabbed her one final time in her head. I chuckled at her. What a weak one that's for sure... "Oi Douma! Can you take her lungs out please?" He nodded. "WTF?!" I turned around to see Akaza watching in shock. Shit, I forgot he was here! "Ummm... we need her lungs for children in... need?" He looks confused as to why I'm helping kids. Me of all people. "Soo... you're, not a killer?" I smiled at him. "Of course, she was spreading lies!"

Akaza POV:

I'm not sure whether to believe him or not... I mean, he is capable of murder. I just saw him kill someone... and take their arms, legs and lungs. I guess it's safer to believe him. Just looking at the corpse made me shiver. The bones from her arms and legs stuck out whilst her flesh continued to throb. It was a sickening sight... so much so that I started feeling sick and dizzy. "Akaza? You alright?" I nodded slowly still staring at the corpse. Kokushibo ran towards me throwing his arms around me. Tears poured down my cheeks as my body began to ache from the beating I got and the sight of the corpse. He held me gently but tightly at the same time. As if to say...

As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you...♡♡

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