●From friends to enemies●

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Thanks for the support and views guys it means the world to me! I'm going to be posting a new book for Renkaza cause I was asked personally to make it! Btw I will never say what ships I ship, so pls don't ask.

2 weeks later

Akaza POV:
Hmmm.... where's Kokushibo? He said he'd walk with me today, but he's late.... he's never late! Something must have happened to him. *insert scream* wth!? It's coming from the alley...

Third-person POV:
Akaza walks slowly towards the alleyway, shaking with every step. Blood splatters everywhere the closer he gets, making him want to throw up. When he arrives, he sees a horrifying scene... a young girl crying, covering her face from Kokushibo, who's repeatedly hitting her.

Kokushibo POV:
Ugh, this damn brat is making me late for Akaza! Douma had planned a 'surprise' and said I had to go to it... along with Akaza. I feel like he's setting us up or just doing this to annoy us. "OI! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING KOKUSHIBO!?" Hmmm? So someone saw me... well, I can't let them get away. I run up to the person before ending up behind them. It appears to be a short male... he's tensed up as well. "Kokushibo... please s-stop! You're scaring me!" Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as I soon realized who I'd just tried to kill. Shit! "Hey Akaza, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"W-what about her t-then?" He was shaking violently, tensing up at every breath I took. I pulled him closer to me before glaring at the woman. She seemed dead to me...

"Don't worry. She died for a reason, darling." I ruffled my hand through his hair. I didn't know it was this soft. I picked him up gently before carrying him back to my dorm. There's no way I'm leaving him in this state. However, I will have to ring Douma and apologize for not showing up. He will understand enough not to take offence.

~ Time skip brought to you by Luigi's  Pancakes 🥞~

Kokushibo POV:
Light flooded into the room as I slowly opened my eyes. I felt something light holding onto me, so I looked down to see Akaza. He was cute when he slept. He looked like a little pink teddy bear. He started stirring a bit before settling back down. I slowly stroked his face as I switched my Tv on. After an hour of boring news about new murders or arrests, the news switched to schools closing due to... SNOW?! This was great news! I could spend the entire day with Akaza! Damn... I was sounding like Douma. I guess he's rubbing off on me. "Mmmm..." Akaza slowly sat up next to me, resting his head on my shoulders as he sighed. "Everything alright?" I asked genuinely concerned about him. "Yeah... not a morning person. " He chuckled slightly before looking away from me. "You're not okay, Akaza."

"I'm fine, honestly!"

"Just tell me what's wrong..." He just hugs me. I smile slightly at his gesture, returning it. "Sorry. I need to grab some shopping because I have nothing in for us to eat. I'll be right back, akaza!"

"Oh, okay, bye!"

Akaza POV:
This is just perfect! I can explore his house to see if my suspicions are true. He's good at murdering and he beat a woman up like.... 6 hours ago. The door downstairs closed, so I leapt into action. I was just about to leave the room when I noticed that Kokushibo's hoodie was on me... and my clothes were folded neatly, meaning... HE CHANGED ME?! Ok, stay focused, Akaza. I have to find an office of some sort. I opened the door quietly, making sure Kokushibo had left. Well, my search was easy... the door opposite his room said, "DO NOT DISTURB," which means office. I creeped out of the room silently in case he had guards. I swung the door open, breathing heavily as I looked inside. This wasn't his office... it's dead body storage! The awful smell of blood and rotting flesh burned my nose as I slowly took a breath. I was shaking at this point. So many bodies.. all murdered... I continued to look around when I came across a familiar person. KOYUKI! H-he murdered her?! That's why he didn't show any remorse but rather smiled! The damn bastard when he gets home, I'm gonna rip his head off! The front door burst open. Speak of the devil...

Kokushibo POV:
Akaza ran down the stairs visibly pissed off at something. "Hey, you alright?" Glaring at me, he walked off again. Was he just in a bad mood? I decided to see if something or someone upstairs annoyed him. The first thing I noticed was one of my doors wide open. Huh? The body storage one why was that open... unless... he didn't go in, did he? "So mind explaining why my 'fiancee's body is in there? Along with 99 other bodies?" I jumped startled at his swift appearance without making noise. That's something I'd do. "Ummmmmm..."

"Ummm... what? You murdered these people, so why?" How was he so calm? I need him to feel upset so I can comfort him and make him fall asleep. Then I'll have a logical excuse by the morning ready for him!

"I murdered them all 'cause they..."

"Hurry up!"

"They tried to steal you away from me!"

"What do you mean? I'm not an object to be stolen!"

"Ik but... I like you, and they tried to make you theirs!" He tensed up, followed by, a sigh and a light chuckle.

"You think I'd love a monster? Who kills others for my love? PFFT- NOT A CHANCE!

Thanks for reading bye guys!

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