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I like how I read other people's stories just cause they have like 5 or 4 reads, and I feel bad for them :(. I mean, is it so hard to publish a book and get people to read it? It is! Anyway, I hope yall enjoy!♡♡♡.

Kokushibo POV:
My entire insides felt as if they had all collapsed onto each other. However, my outside state was neutral, trying to show that I'm not upset. "Just... don't talk to me again... for the next 2 weeks... alright? I..just..need time." I nod my head. If I'm being completely honest, I was surprised he didn't hate me! He just wants to be away from me for a while... I can live with that... can't I? He turned to walk away, hesitating, before coming back to me. He lightly kissed my cheek. "Hope that answered your thoughts." This time, he did walk away. I blushed at his actions and the way he admitted his feelings to me. Damn... I did mess all this up. If I hadn't off been paranoid, we might be together. But everything happens for a reason, right? Hopefully.

Akaza POV:
I'm deeply confused about the world. Kokushibo kills, yet I like him.
Koyuki was sweet and gentle, yet I didn't like her. It was all too confusing. He killed me, and I'm partly happy that he genuinely cares about me. But he's just breaking me by killing my friends... I do need to pick. He (crush) or my friend's death. It doesn't seem fair. I have to choose. I want him. But I don't want to sell my soul to the devil. By being with him, I'm showing the world I don't care. And I do care. Plus, if the relationship becomes toxic and abusive, I won't be able to break up with him without it costing either my life or someone else's life. I just need some fresh air... perhaps going to the hot springs? I sighed, walking off. The moon lit the path up, calming my nerves and making me feel relaxed... maybe all I needed was a stroll in the night.

My calmness didn't last for long, though. I soon got the chills, and my nerves made my body shake. Someone was watching me... damn if only I wasn't on my own. I ring Kokushibo as he's the closest to my location. "Akaza?"

"Hi... can you come to me right now?"

"Yeah, why, though?"

"Someone's watching me and... I'm on my own."

"I'm on my way. Keep walking near houses. Also, stay on the phone."

"Wasn't planning on leaving the call."

"I'm 3 minutes away." By this time, I could almost hear the person's breathing. Or maybe it was just me. I quickened my pace, making sure there was a distance in case I had to run. The person behind me also quickened their pace. Their heavy footsteps echoed in the night. "Akaza?"


"I can see you and the... guy, yeah, guy. He's close behind you, so try and run."

"Okay." I quickened my pace once again. Each step I took got faster until I was sprinting towards Kokushibo. He grabbed me, quickly pulling me behind him. Maybe a killer boyfriend wasn't so bad...

Kokushibo POV:
The man was fast approaching, knife in his hand and a gun in his pocket. Akaza was shivering behind me. I held out my hand to him so he could hold it. He hesitated for a moment before grabbing it. This was my chance to get Akaza back. I'm not going to ruin it!

The man held his knife forward, pointing it at me. "Give me the pinky or die." I grabbed my knife. There's no way in hell I'd hand him over. "Why should I?" The man growled. "Just give me him!"

"Hmmmm. No." He threw the knife at my hand. He missed a centimetre, but it grazed Akazas' hand slightly. "What bad aim." Three more knives were thrown in my direction. One hit my knee. The other two missed. "Who's got bad aim now?" I smiled at him. "Still you." I walked over to him, knowing full well that if I failed, Akaza could be taken away. I'm not going to fail him again. I throw my knife right at his head. He stumbles backwards, landing on the floor, knife in his head. "He's gone now, Akaza." I looked behind me to see Akaza asleep. Damn, how tired was he to sleep standing up? Gently picking him up (bridal style), I walked back to my house.

Time skip brought to you by ~YOUR MUM WITH YOUR HOMEWORK~
(In the morning)

Kokushibo POV:
I ran back upstairs so as not to miss my tv show whilst also trying not to wake Akaza up. He really wasn't a morning person. Just as I sat down, he moved his head into my lap. I chuckled at his gesture, placing my hand on his hair gently, stroking him. The TV turned on and went straight to the news. Just 5 minutes, then my shows on.

"We have just received news that young people aged around 12-24 have started going missing. Here's jenny with more.

"Thanks, Henry. I'm here at the local school of *insert town name* with a mother who has just recently lost her child."

"It was horrible! Stolen whilst walking with me. The sly bastard just came up and grabbed him!"


Kokushibo POV:
That's our school! Isn't that Miss Green from Science? Her boy has gone missing? At least this time, it wasn't me. So that's what the guy last night was doing! Taking Akaza like all the others. Well, I guess I'll have to watch Akaza at all times then. Akaza started moving his head, nuzzling into my hand. I kissed his forehead lightly before turning my Tv show on.
Little did he know...

Someone was watching...

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