Perfect timing, Perfect place.

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Kokushibo POV:
The stage was set... well, not a stage... but the park. The first place we'd dated. The moment it all began... and hopefully, it will make our relationship begin again... reflecting on my actions... maybe they were a bit too crazy but its crazy what love makes you do... and now I'm just waiting hopelessly for someone who might not even show up. My mind plagued with his name. It's like a curse.... but a good curse if you could ever call a curse 'good'.. it's one of those things you love but hate at the exact same time, but you don't know why...  Alteast, we can talk things out. I don't think I'd be able to be happy knowing my lover... wanted to break up. But if that's what he wants. Then that's what he wants. However, I believe there's still some hope... he's either playing with me or he's warming up to me again...

I sigh, brushing a few leaves out of my hair, staring nervously at the road ahead. Waiting for Douma's car. To see Akaza properly and get to talk things out... is just... perfect. It's like it was meant to be. I just hope he gets here soon. The sooner it is, the easier my mind will be. The easier life will be. All my choices have led up to this moment, and I'm not missing this opportunity. I lost him once. I will not lose him again...

Soon, the sound of tyres stopping on the concrete could be heard as my head turns around to see Akaza and Douma. Akaza walks towards me whilst Douma stays at his car, knowing to keep away from us so as not to ruin any outcome.

"You wanted to... talk..?" Akaza says, sitting down in front of me. He didn't look interested but... I just knew he was. He didn't like things like this and any chance to stop the hard feelings he'd take.. I could manipulate him. But that might stop him. I want his love again, and to push him back would be another string torn.

Come on out, darling~ kokuaza.Where stories live. Discover now