*+*{Had to repost} Forgiveness?

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DAMN, I HAVE A LOT OF LIKES! AND VIEWS! Thanks for all the support. Because of this, yall motivated me to carry on with this poor excuse of a book. So, let the trauma begin.

Kokushibo POV:
Having Mui around is actually really nice. He's chatty but quiet and great at hugging. He's also given me a lot of emotional support when Akaza has just walked past me or looked at me for a second and walked away. I suppose I deserved it, but Mui kept saying Akaza was taking it too far. Was he? Or was I just being dramatic?

"Earth to Kokushibo - "

"Yes, Mui?" He shoves a letter into my hand. Akaza told Douma to give this to you. "Is douma just lying again?"

"No. He seemed pretty genuine, and no one calls you koko-puffs other than Akaza." I smiled. He hasn't called me Koko-puffs since he first saw me kill someone... maybe he's got into the right frame of mind again. "Hurry up and open it! I'm dying of curiosity!"

"Okay, okay, calm down, Mui." I'm pretty sure Mui still hates me for killing his twin but is acting because he's scared of what I'd do to him. Even though that's most likely true, I'm happy for his support. There's just one person who gets on my nerves. Genya. He's always hanging around with Muichiro and never letting me talk. He is a nice boy, but he's a bit... overprotective, I'd say. Not like me, but he would kill someone for Mui if he absolutely had to. I just kill anyone I think is a threat to my relationship with Akaza.

"KOKUSHIBO OPEN THE DAMN LETTER." Chuckling at Muichiro, I opened the letter.

Ze amazing letter from my bbg Akaza:

You and I need to talk. Meet me tomorrow at the lake.

End of ze fabulous, flashy letter.

{Still Kokushibo POV}
I mean, it's not an apology, but at least he spoke to me? And is willing to speak to me. I suppose that's a start. "GIMME the letter." I look down at Mui, who's struggling to grab the letter from me. I handed him the letter. "That's a sad letter -"
I burst out laughing at that. I mean, he's not wrong.

Muichiro POV:
I feel bad for Kokushibo. I wrote that note to him. I also wrote a note to Akaza whilst Douma was with him to make sure Akaza actually went. "Kokushibo? Are you going to stop killing people now?"

"..." I glanced up at Kokushibo. He had a clouded expression on his face. "Not until I know for sure Akaza is mine." Just great... me and Douma are working together to try and bring Akaza and Kokushibo back together, but no matter what happens, Kokushibo won't give up killing, and Akaza won't date Kokushibo till he stops killing. It's a never-ending cycle. I just have to hope Douma is having any luck. "Hey Kokushibo. Let's go have to the cafe to take your mind off things :)"

"Thanks, Mui. Let's just go via my dorm so I can get my card."

At least everyone except those 4 people Kokushibo killed today are safe. Although I don't know how long I'll be able to cope seeing so many dead bodies...

Why won't he accept that Akaza doesn't want to see people die?

{With Douma and Akaza}
Douma POV:
"So you like him, but you don't want him to kill people?" Akaza nods. So he does share feelings for Kokushibo, but the killing has to stop before he will date him. "Akaza-dono? How about we go out to get some food. Muzan is still drunk somehow, and Yorichi is coming over soon. I heard he's also drunk.-"

"Yep, let's get a move on." I grab my keys, coat, and card whilst texting Muichiro to head to the cat cafe.

Douma's phone:

D: Mui! Head over to the cat cafe. I'm sending Akaza there. Try and get Kokushibo to order and meet with Akaza without either of them suspecting anything.

M: On it. Why the cat cafe, though?

D: It's the first place they met. It might bring back some happy memories!

M: Nice one. We are setting off now!

D: Meet up round the back just the two of us.

M: Got it. Kokushibo is trying to look at my phone, so I'll have to go now.

D: kk bye.


End of text conversation

Douma POV:
Great! This is way easier now that Muichiro is helping. "DOUMA!"

"What Muzan?"

"If you're going out, can you bring some food back? We ran out."

"Sure. Cya Muzan!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, bye." I'll buy a wheelchair on my way back as well. I figure Muzans legs aren't gonna function properly. "Ready Akaza-Dono?" He just nods and looks out of the window. He's in another mood. Not like his angry sulky moods he gets but the one where he doesn't care and just wants to curl up and sigh all day. It really brings anyone's mood down. Including mine...

{At the cat cafè}
●A cat cafe is basically a cafe where you can pet cats and eat food for those who don't know●

Akaza POV:
This place is one of my favourite areas to chill in. But it also has memories I really wish I could forget or want to relive. Like the time there was a fire- I wish I could forget that. Or the first time I met Kokushibo... I wish I could always relive that.

Akaza POV:

"Awww, cmon sweet pea!" She's so stubborn, that's why she's my favourite cat to visit. I usually visit her twice every week, so she's pretty familiar. "Mew..." I pat Coco's head. "Yes, yes, I didn't forget about you."

"You're still here, Akaza? Care for a drink?"

"Oh no, thanks, Mitsuri."

"Okay, just remember that Obanai has a new dish he wants you to try! Oh, and be careful with Tim. He's still ill." I waved her off, turning to face Tim. He's still asleep. "Meow." I chuckle as I rub Sweetpea. "Now you want some attention, huh?"




There goes the three of them again. It's always Yashiro did this, but Obanai did that. Then Mitsuri tells em to shut up, but it never works... just when my luck couldn't get any worse, a customer appeared. Those three natter heads wouldn't he finished arguing for a while now, so I figured I'd get him sat down...

End of Flashback



"Jeez- I just wanted to check your alright. We've been here for 15 minutes."

"*sigh* I'm fine." I opened the door until I noticed someone I really wished I hadn't seen. Kokushibo and Muichiro were there. Oh just fucking great my life can't get any better!

Muichiro POV:
"Get settled. I've got something to do in the car!" I waved Kokushibo off before I noticed Douma and Akaza. Although Akaza was trying to hide and get Douma to drive away but Douma was trying to get out of the car. Sounds like a nightmare looks like a nightmare... I can only hope that Douma can convince Akaza to go in. If not, our plans are ruined! My only goal is to make sure no one else looses their siblings to Kokushibo like I did. That means Akaza has to date him, but Akaza won't because of the killing. *sigh* I need a long break once these two are together...

Why won't they accept it?

I'm glad you all enjoyed my last chapter. I'm about to go on holiday, so I'm posting an extra chapter, so you all have something to read whilst I'm gone. Sadly, that means I'm offline for a while. I might read books, but I won't have enough time to write another chapter.

Bye guys!DAMN, I HAVE A LOT OF LIKES! AND VIEWS! Thanks for all the support. Because of this, yall motivated me to carry on with this poor excuse of a book. So, let the trauma begin.

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