|REPOSTED| Young love

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{Welcome back Y/N!}

Okay, so basically, this is the lead up chapter to SMUT because I finally have some sort of motivation! And I'm sorry I haven't posted, and I feel like I've let you all down, so to make up for it, I will make u guys a smut chapter! Anyway, this one is just fluff, angst, and a bit of spice at the end! <3

Akaza POV:
I scrolled through my messages, reading each one carefully. They were all just saying shit like: 'I'm so sorry u got into that fight!' or 'I hope ur injuries r better soon!'. Yes, I appreciate their concern, but it gets annoying being spammed. And then there's Kokushibo's messages. I swore I had blocked him, but I suppose I didn't block him on TikTok. { Yes, bros got TikTok}. He keeps sending lengthy messages, but they r quite different, and some are disturbing... like the one where he said he'd visit them males soon in hell. At first, I was concerned for the men, but when I re-read it, I also got a bit concerned about how HE will see them in hell soon. Does that mean he's gonna commit suicide? He's just isn't readable at all... although Douma is bringing him and Mui over today. And once they have gone, I've got Rui and Giyuu and Mitsuri coming over. And then tomorrow Inosuke and Tanjiro are coming over with Giyuu. I've got a busy 2 days ahead of me. And the only food I've got in is pizza and 3 packets of ramen... God , I'm gonna have to go shopping. I slowly crawled off the sofa, grabbed my jacket and shoes, and walked out. Today was extremely windy, so I had to hold my jacket in case anything in my pocket flew out. As I sighed angrily, I realised I was in front of the shop already. How fast am I? Eh, whatever, now I just need to get some food for tonight and tomorrow night... thing is they have my favourite sweets in. That's good, but knowing my ass I'll use all the money I brought on the sweets...

Kokushibo POV:
Ugh I hate Douma so fucking much. He forgot to bring his phone, and Muichiro wants sweets. "Okay, we can go get you sweets, Mui!" Douma says as he gets back in. "YAY! I'll get the watermelon ones and the gummy bears!"

"Okay, that sounds like a fun choice! Kokushibo, do u want any sweets or something?" I shake my head at Douma as he pulls up to a shop near Akazas house. "Okay, I'll be back!" As Douma gets out, I noticed Akaza walking into the shop. "DOUMA!"


"Let me go inside you will take too long..." He nods happily and gets back in just as I scrambled out, grabbing the money and running inside. If I can find Akaza, then I can say hi to him, so when I got to his, it won't be as awkward! I found Akaza in the frozen Isle grabbing chicken nuggets. I stood and stared at him. God, he's so cute and hot. "You gonna stand and stare then, Kokushibo?" Akaza was now behind me. I turned around to see his arms folded, and his head turned away from me. I just stared at him, wondering how I didn't notice him... "Hello? Earth to Kokushibo!" He's acting weird. If he saw me, he'd either panic, leave, or probably scream at me so for him to greet me like this... makes me feel a little bit better. Is he finally going to forgive me?

Akaza POV:
Honestly, being friendly to Kokushibo is hard to do, but if I want to be able to cope with having at my house, I suppose I have to be nice to him... having him as a friend wouldn't be so bad either. Just not as lovers. Not after what he did to all those people... and Koyuki. "I suppose you gotta go get ready..." I mutter, turning to walk away. I glance back at Kokushibo to see him smiling to himself, which Douma said was rare nowadays. Did he seriously become emo when I didn't talk to him, but now I've spoken, he's happy?! Fucking hell Kokushibo- . I walk up to the cashier and pay for my things before walking back to my house. I noticed Douma in the car, so I waved at him. He was too busy on his phone to notice, though... he was probably texting Kokushibo to hurry up...

{Timeskip by the gayness}

Akaza POV:
I'd just finished making my food when I heard a knock at the door. "DOORS OPEN!" I yell from the kitchen as I wipe my hands on the towel and walk out. "Oh hi Giyuu and Rui! Why u guys here so early?"

"Oh.. me and Giyuu got texted by Douma to come to yours earlier! He said he wanted to see us all and do a bit of a re-union!" I nod my head and gestured towards my living room. "Come on and sit down... Douma and the others should be here soon." Giyuu is as quiet as ever... I thought no eyebrows taught him how to speak in public. The nasty fucking lair! I can imagine him laughing right now at me. *knock knock*

"ITS UNLOCKED IDIOT!" Rui yells. I ruffle his hair a bit as I grab my food and finally start eating. "Want anything, Rui? Or Giyuu?"

"No... thanks, Akaza... I'm good."

"No thanks, Akaza! Also, sorry Rengoku couldn't make it! He's ill, apparently."


"That's fine, Rui. Thanks for letting me know." I see Douma shove Muichiro in. Followed by Kokushibo and then himself. I took one look at Rui and Muichiro and knew full well what they were gonna do. They nodded at each other, smiled at a random adult, and ran off upstairs to do the weird nonsense they always do. "Sooo.. any alcohol in Akaza-Dono?!"

"No, Douma, I didn't get any cause we have younger kids here with us."

"Oh, cmon, they are 16 and 17! They can handle some alcohol!"

"Douma, it's not the alcohol... it's the way you act when you're drunk."

"Hey, you're worse!"

"Yeah, but I don't get drunk." Douma rolled his eyes. Before placing alcohol on the counter. "DOUMA!" He laughed at me and sat down next to them so I wouldn't bin them or hide them from him. Then Rui came down with a list.

"OKAY, EVERYONE SIT DOWN!" He announced to us all. "WE REQUEST A DRINK!" I look at Douma, who's grabbing a wine bottle. "Rui! There's some fruit shoots in the fridge!"

"YAY, my fav!" He smiles, grabbing two and running back upstairs for 2 seconds and coming back down. "Okay, so me and Mui decided to make you all do a drinking contest! We searched it up on Google! So the first round is Old Man koku and Emo guy. " After Rui finished, Giyuu and Kokushibo stood up. "Good luck, Gary." Kokushibo says calmly before grabbing a bottle. Kokushibo has a really high tolerance, but so does Giyuu, so this is going to be entertaining...


By now, Giyuu had had 9 and a half, and Kokushibo had 12. Giyuu was fighting to stay awake, and Kokushibo was starting to get dizzy. "Okay, I give up..." Giyuu says quietly.

Okay, the winner is old man koku. Next up is Elsa and Bitch got hoes." The fuck did he just call me- . I stand up and look at Douma who's grinning at me. "Oh, stop it gay eyes." I mutter as I grab a bottle and begin drinking it. I have a low tolerance, unfortunately, so I'll defo lose... most of the time, I'm wasted after 2 bottles...

Kokushibo POV:
Akaza is holding out pretty well. He's had 4 bottles, and Douma has had 5. Got to say Akaza looks like he might pass out any moment now... "I give up!" Akaza says as he walks over to the sofa as straight as he can. <get it?> to the sofa. "Okay, Douma vs. Kokushibo!"...

After a while, I won, but I was wasted as hell... Douma had gone with Muichiro, and Giyuu had taken Rui, meaning it was just me and Akaza... and damn how beautiful he looked... it makes me want to fuck him senseless... Honestly this man drives me insane but I wouldn't have it any other way... "Akaza?" I say softly seeing if he was awake. "Hm?" So he is awake... I took a look at his sleepy face... it's so cute... I lean in and kiss him gently on the cheek... moving slowly towards his lips... Do I do it or not... I look at Akaza, who looks up at me, returning the stare. It's like he wants me to do this to him... or maybe he does. I lean in and kiss him passionately. He gasped, opening his mouth and allowing me to enter my tongue. He tastes amazing...

Akakza, you have a big night ahead of you...

{Bye for now Y/N}

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