|~|The Park Date|~|

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《𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻》

《I'm back in business with tons of motivation somehow, so ima write another chapter because I haven't updated in weeks :>》

Kokushibo POV:
Opening my eyes slowly to the sun's rays shining through the blinds, I noticed something was gone. Or rather someone was missing, Akaza wasn't next to me anymore... had he left this morning? Did he leave me alone again? Does he still hate me?

I sigh and get up, walking into the kitchen only to find the exact pinkie I was talking about eating ramen. He hadn't noticed me, which was good because I'm not sure how I can face him after last night... I mean, we were both drunk and all, but still. Did he even give me permission? I can't remember much of last night, and that's bugging me. Along with the migraine I now had ...

'There's tablets on the bar side and your foods next to them.' Akaza says never once looking up from his phone. 'Thanks...' I grab the tablets quickly. The one thing I hate is headaches or migraines. (The fact I have a headache whilst writing this 🙃) The awkward silence between us made me nervous... and I don't get nervous... except when I upset Akaza. Fucking hell he's a demon in disguise when you call him short... I remember the 3rd date we'd ever had down in cherry tree Park... and I'd accidentally called him short...

Actually... why don't I take him there again. Relive some old memories whilst he's talking to me... you never know he might want to get back with me. I'll just need Douma's help to set it up. And probably Muichiro or Nakime. Speaking of Nakime, I haven't seen her in a while... I wonder how she's doing. Oh well.. I'll call her after. For now, I just need to get Douma and Muichiro to give me a hand setting this date up... this is going to be a good change to our relationship, and hopefully, it will benefit both of us..

•Douma and Muichiro have agreed to help.
•Kokushibo goes to Douma's house to plan
•Akaza is out shopping with Daki

Kokushibo POV:

"I can't thank you both enough for trying to help me after... everything..." I mumble out as Muichiro holds up his paper bunting that he'd made for me.

"Its fine Kokushibo-Dono! Just don't take those drugs again and you'll be fine!" (SPOILERS FOR FUTURE CHAPTERS?!) Douma replies from the Kitchen.

"Drugs? When did old man take drugs?" Muichiro questions as he plays with my hair.

"Nothing for you to worry about Muichiro... just carry on playing with my hair bud.." I say calmly. He's still too young to know what actually happened. Maybe in a few years he'd be ready.. it's just best if I don't tell him at all it's not like he'd remember what I'd say anyway. "Say Kokushibo-Dono what's Akaza-dono's favourite sweets..? I can never remember." Douma calls out as he comes in with two packets: Strawberry candies and Strawberry laces.

"Oh... both will do fine Douma.... just make sure there's nothing sour..."

"Okay!" He says as he walks back to the Kitchen, preparing our picnic like he'd done last year... God... just last year since we'd gotten together and now we are separated... time really does fly...

"OLD MAN! LOOK!" Muichiro yells as he holds up a mirror and I see my hair with a pink bow and stickers... stickers?!

"Muichiro please tell me those aren't stickers..." I say as I see his face turn guilty. "U-uhm.. soo... the hair stickers... ran out... so.... I put in real ones! They work the same don't they..?" He says smiling at me.

"Douma.... can I use your shower...?" I ask as he walks in and looks at my hair.

"Aww why? Your hair looks soooo good! I'm sure Akaza would drop dead from your hotness!" He says giggling slightly. He earns himself a cold stare. "Okay okay... you can use my shower..." He says still giggling.

"Cmon Mui why don't you go add stickers to Doumas hair?" I ask smirking at Douma. He spent ages on just Brushing his hair thoroughly and now it was definitely ruined when Muichiro added stickers to it. "YAY!" Muichiro yells as he runs after Douma who'd sprinted off from his stickers. "MUI NOOOOO!" He yells as he runs around the kitchen. I laugh at them both then stand up and go to Douma's bathroom to take a shower...

After my shower I walked downstairs, my hair still dripping and my clothes getting damp. "Douma wheres your hair dryer-" I pause as I see Muichiro smiling and a chair placed in front of a mirror. The room had quite literally been turned into a salon... and Muichiro was definitely the hair dresser.... I look to see the hairdryer, brush, curlers, straightners and the stickers...

"Mui they are hair stickers aren't they?" He nods happily then Douma pushes me towards the seat. "Make-over time!" Douma says as he smirks at us both.

Muichiro got the hairdryer and started to fling it wildly over my hair not even drying it a little bit until Douma had to come and help him get used to it... this was going to be... fun... to say the least....

•Kokushibo hair is done
•Muichiro did a good job

Kokushibo POV:

"Wow Mui you've really outdone yourself here...!" I say as I stare at my hair. Yea it was only an average ponytail but my hair was completely dry and knot free... something even I struggle to achieve with such long hair... Mui smirks up at me and Douma walks in with the picnic in a large basket. "OKAY NOW FOR THE ACTUAL PLACE!" Douma exclaims as he grabs Muichiro's coat and shoes. "LETS GO GO GO PEOPLEEE! MISSION KOKUAZA IS A GOOOO!"

《♤》Authors note《♤》

Thanks for reading! This will be your fab chapter for this week! Remember I update every Sunday and do announcements every Sunday aswell so always login on Sunday!!!! Love you all and if we reach... 5k views I'll write a new, better SMUT chapter! Bye for now guys!


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