Overwhelmed - Theodore Nott x GN!reader

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A/N: This is a request I got a while ago on tumblr, sorry for taking so long darling!

Summary: Theo's overwhelmed, and you're the only person who can 'fix' that


Theos POV for now, yours later!

Theodore Nott had a lot on his mind. Homework, friendships and pretty much everything under the sun seemed to have it out for him, which sucked ass. 

As he picked up his bag, wincing at the texture of his clothes rubbing against him, Theo left the library. It feltl ike walking out of a bubble and into a whirpool, and everything felt like it was swirling around him. Sounds hit him in a rush, a gaggle of girls laughing, the Weasley twins sniggering at their latest victim.. and then an angry Mattheo storming towards him. 

"Theo, dude, what the fuck? Why weren't you at practice?" Mattheo looked mad, and Theo felt a horrible sensation in his gut. He'd missed practice studying. The library was a sanctuary for him, he'd needed the break, but hadn't remembered the consequences for his hour and a half of peace. 

"I'm sorry. Lost track of time." Theo replied, avoiding eye contact with his best friend. He wasn't sure when him and Mattheo had become friends, he had just seemed to appear beside Theo like a mosquito and never leave. Before him, Theo had had problems making friends. Then Mattheo made Theo his 'problem'. And suddenly Theo had friends, kaboom. 

Finally daring to look up at his friend, Theo immediately lookied away again. Mattheo wasn't angry anymore, just disappointed. Somehow that was worse. 

"I get it. Just could you maybe.. turn up next time? It means a lot to me, I don't want Potter beating us his first year as captain." Mattheo shuddered. 

"It's your first year as captain too." Theo said pointedly. 

"I know, and I need my other beater on the pitch, kay? Be there next time." Mattheo clapped him on the shoulder, making Theo wince, and kept walking. 

Theo sighed, walking on towards Slytherin common room, catching Blaise at the door. 

"Hey man, Mattheo's looking for you." Blaise said absent mindedly,tapping shoulder and walking past him with his nose buried in a book Luna had given him on Nargles. Theo winced at the touch again, mumbling a thank you as he got inside.

The touch. Practice. Laughing. It was getting in his brain, swirling around his thoughts, pricking him with tiny needles, he kept walking, he got touched again, and now a girl was asking if he wanted to go to hogsmeade and he was looking at her blankly and saying no, and it was all too much and then he was moving faster, getting up into his dormitory where it was safe and calm and-

"Hey Teddy!"

Your POV

Your boyfriend was stood in the doorway, staring at you like a deer in headlights as you laid on his bed. He made a noise almost like a whimper before he dropped his bag, strode over to you and lay his head down in your lap, his face crumpling. 

You ran your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp in just the right way. You lay there like that with him for a while, waiting for him to speak, if he wanted to, your jeans slowly getting wetter, but you didn't mind.

"Too much." He finally whispered, eyes closed. You withdrew your fingers, worried you'd pushed him too far. He shook his head, putting your hand back in place. "Not you. Never you. Everything else." He whispered. 

"okay bubs." You whispered back to him. "Can I touch you?" You murmured, not wanting to upset him. He thought for a moment and then nodded. You leaned down and placed a small kiss on his temple. He looked at you blankly. "That was a kiss." He said flatly.  

"Yes. Was it okay?" You asked him, not forcing him to make eye contact. He pondered it.

"Yes." He sighed, lying in your lap. 

"Y/N, I'm sorry you have to put up with this. I wonder if there's a spell to make my head not like this, not all fuzzy and confused and tangled-" You gently placed a finger on his lips. 

"Theo, I like you like this. If you want to ifnd a spell for you, then that's okay, I'll help you, but don't change because you feel guilty. Okay? The right people love you anyway. I do. Okay bubba?" You kissed his temple again, and Theo frowned. 

"I hate autism." He folded his arms. You shook your head. 

"I think you hate feeling overwhelmed, not being autistic." You said softly. 

Theo nodded. "Theo, it makes no difference to how much I love you, but I think it's aweosme how you can sit down for hours and just focus in on something, whether it be a textbook or a doodle you started in class that you want to develop. Okay? I love you, silly." You smiled. 

Theo looked up at you and nodded. That would be all you got for the rest of the evening, but you didn't mind. He was still your Theo, and you wouldn't have him any other way.


A/N: Did I decide not to mention that Theo was autistic at the start of the fic? Yes. Did you feel angry or betrayed when you found out he was? If you're secretly or not so secretly thinking yes, then I hope you take a good long look in a mirror before your decide to keep reading my fics. If autistic people make you uncomfrotable for an indescernable reason, then I hope you re-evaluate your morals. 

A/N: THE HAPPIER AUTHOR NOTE! Happy day two of FICTOBER u guys! This is probs the longest thing I'll write for it, but we'll see. love you all, thanks for reading! 

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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