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Nunew's POV.

Water splash onto me making me breathe hard , shaking my head.

"Wakey wakey~" I look up weakly, seeing Jaehyun. I glare at him as he smile sinisterly.

"Aww , poor little thing ..." He said , kneeling down to my level. I tried getting out but both of my wrist was tied to the chair and my ankles was together.

"Too bad that your Zee isn't here to protect you .." he said making me smirk , chuckling deeply.

"Just .. wait. Zee will come .. and beat your fucking ass." I said , spitting onto his face. He groan , wiping his face as he got up. He clenched his jaw in anger and soon punched me across the face. I spit out the blood , glaring at him. He then grabbed a fistful of my hair , yanking it so that I was looking up to him.

"Better behave or else you won't last in here." He said coldly before letting my hair go. I groan , breathing hard as he and his men then left me in the small room. I hung my head , feeling nothing but weak. I couldn't feel both my hands and legs. I slowly look at my wedding ring as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Zee .. save me ..." I thought.

Zee's POV.

I got out of the car as Max and Net did the same. I shut the door walking in the small guesthouse , seeing that it was empty.

"Zee , what are we doing here at a guesthouse ?" Asked Net as he looked around.

"Aren't we supposed to find what Wang wants ?" Asked Max as I then walked towards the counter seeing a bell. I rang the bell as Net and Max looked at each other confused.

"Coming~" said a female voice.

"Hide your guns." I said coldly making Max and Net cover their guns.

"Yes .. how can I he-." I turned to see a middle aged woman. I smile slightly as she froze , seeing me.

"Sawadeepkrub , Aunt Ja." I said , greeting her. Her breath hitch as she then walked over to me slowly.

"Zee .." she said as she then hugged me tightly. I smile softly , hugging her back.

"Is this really you , son ?" She asked making me nod. She then pulled away , cupping my cheeks as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Look at you .. you are still handsome as before .." she said making me chuckle.

"Nhu .. is he here too ? Where is he ?" She as She then looked over me , looking around.

"Aunt Ja ... there's something we need to talk about ..." I said as her expression turned serious.

"How can this happen Zee ?" She asked as I sigh.

"I thought you wouldn't let Nhu remember what happened before .." she said.

"I am sorry Aunt Ja ... but Nhu had to know someday ..." I said.

"You do know what danger you can put Nhu in .." she said and I nodded.

"I don't want anything to happen to Nhu .. I almost lost him for real .." she said.

"I can't lose him again , Zee .." she continued.

"I know .. I lost him too .... Nhu is with them now. God knows what Wang and Jaehyun can do to him. I can't just sit around and let them hurt him. I know it's my fault that I let all of this happened , I won't forgive myself if anything happens to Nhu." I said.

"So please .. I need to know where did Park hid that USB drive ..." I said.

"I need to save Nhu before it's too late." I said making Aunt Ja sigh. She then nod before getting up. She walked over to her cupboard , grabbing a small antic box. She soon walk over to me , placing the box in front of me. She then opened it revealing the USB drive.

"In this USB , it contains every single thing that Park once owned. It caused big money. Park gifted this to Nunew before. Nunew is rightful owner of Park's properties. That's mean everything in this USB belongs to Nhu." She said.

"However , after Nhu lost his memories , Park gave me this USB drive to keep safe .. because he knew that if anything happens to him , Nunew will be in great danger."she continued. She then hand me the USB drive as I look at her.

"Promise me that no matter what , Wang will not get his hand on this .." she said and I nod.

"I promise." I said as she sigh , nodding.

"Thank you so much for your help , aunt ja .." I said as she then rubbed my back. Max and Net got in the car as I turned to her.

"Zee .." she said , holding my hand.

"Promise me that Nhu will be okay." She said.

"I promise ..." I said making her smile weakly. I got in the car , starting the engine. I then drove out of the place. I look down to USB drive in my hand.

"Hold on baby .. I am coming , Angel .." I thought.

Nunew's POV.

I lifted my head up weakly , hearing the door open seeing Jaehyun.

"I have a surprise for you .." he said as two guys then walked in. I frown seeing Wang and a guy.

"W-Wang .." I croaked.

"Well hello Nunew .. it's been a while huh .." said Wang as he stood in front of me.

"I have someone who wants to meet you .." he said as he look at the guy.

"Mark .. come .. meet your nephew." He said with a smirk.

Third person's POV.

Nunew frown , hearing the name. The name sounded familiar.

"Nhu .. meet your one and only uncle ... Mark .." a struck of pain hits Nunew in his head.

"P-Phi Mark .." croaked Nunew softly. Mark look at Nunew , seeing that he has the exact same face like his brother Park. Mark look at his nephew who was busted up and weak.

"What did you do to him ?" Asked Mark as Jaehyun chuckled.

"Someone was misbehaving." Said Jaehyun as he walked around and stood behind Nunew.

"So Nunew .. surprised to see your uncle ?" Asked Wang as Nunew clutch his fist.

"Why are you doing this ?" Breathe out Nunew making Wang chuckle.

"Because I want what's mine !" Shouted Wang.

"Your father has given me hell for years ! And now that he is dead ... it's my turn to give his loved ones hell ! Once I get what I want , I'll be unstoppable !" Exclaim Wang as tears rolled down Nunew's cheek.

"You are just a selfish piece of shit !" Shouted Nunew in anger.

"Because of you , my dad killed himself !" Cried Nunew.

"What more do you fucking need ?!" Cried Nunew as he breathe hard. Nunew hung his head low , sobbing weakly. Mark clutch his fist , not being able to see his nephew like this.

"Your father killed himself ?" Asked Wang sarcastically as he then kneeled down to Nunew's level.

"I think someone gave you the wrong info , child .." said Wang making Nunew frown in confusion as he slowly looked at Wang.

"Let me tell you the truth." Said Wang.

"I killed your father." He said making Nunew freeze. Mark stood there frozen after listening to what Wang said. Jaehyun smirk proudly , smiling widely.

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