What Have I Done? - Kim Minji

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A lone girl could be seen walking through a neighborhood early in the morning, as she could be seen rubbing her eyes as though she was in a dire need of a sleep.

Unbeknownst to her a boy is sneakily walking towards her, masking his step so that she wouldn't hear him approaching. As he's coming closer, his grin is getting bigger as a devious plan is forming in his mind. Then the distance was an arm's reach between her and him.

"Boo!" Shouted the boy in the girl's ear while he's grabbing her shoulder.

"Kya!" The girl scream as her face is turning white due to the shock, then she turns her head to the back while looking angry to whoever did that to her.

"Yah Shin Y/N!" She said angrily to the boy who is now laughing his ass of to the reaction of the girl"

"Oh my, I swear you're reaction always gets me" the boy who is Y/N said in between his laugh.

"Yah why are you still laughing?! It's not funny!" she said while repeatedly punching Y/N shoulders.

"Alright alright, I'm sorry Minji" He said while trying, despite futile to contain Minji's wrath.

"You always do that Y/N, you're so mean" She said with a pout, now already a little bit calm as she's seen not punching Y/N anymore.

Y/N while holding Minji hand said "I'm sorry minji please?" He said with the most pleading look he can muster, then he added "I'll treat you later to ice cream as an apology okay?"

Minji stature could be seen softening with the mention of ice cream, but truth be told she is a girl of pride so she wouldn't let him off the hook that easily.

"No! You always do that, I'm not forgiving you now" she said while pulling her arms off him and pouting.

Seeing this Y/N is trying his hardest to not laugh at how adorable Minji looks while sulking. So he sling his arms over her shoulder and try to sweet talk her.

"Come on Minji, pretty please? I'll even give you the double scoop with extra sprinkles on top" He offered to the now slightly smiling Minji "What do you say? that's a pretty good offer I might say" He added.

Now Minji really couldn't hold her smile as she's flipping her hair as to not be seen happy with Y/N offer, "Alright then it's a deal, but please don't do that again it scares me" She said while pouting at Y/N who's now smiling really big at Minji.

Y/N patted her head and said "l'l not do that again, okay?" he smilingly said to Minji who can only be grumpy.

"You better, or else-" She cutely threatens

Y/N could only chuckle at her, "Alright miss grumpy, let's head to school shall we? it's getting late" he said and started to walk with his arm around her shoulder.

"Alright let's go Y/N-nie" she said with a small smile.

Along the road, the both of them could be seen laughing and joking with each other. Of course that would be the case because Y/N and Minji are childhood friends. They first met when Y/N moved to there because of his father job. Being the good person Y/N parents is, they gave presents to their neighbors as sign of good will. while visiting the Kim's a little girl is seen hiding between her parents leg, they thought to themselves that it would be a good idea for both child to befriend each other so that they could play with someone of their age. So that's the beginning of a long and beautiful friendship of Shin Y/N and Kim Minji, spanning all the way from Elementary to now in their third year of High School.

Both Y/N and Minji could be seen nearing the school gates, and something caught Y/N's attention

"Ne Minji, I've just remembered something" Said Y/N.

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