Happy Birthday! - Kim Minju

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The sound of an alarm that you always hate suddenly wakes you up. Without looking at it, you struggled to reach the phone beside you one handed, rubbing all over the place just to turn it off. Once you got the grip, you then picked it up as you checked on it.

"8 in the morning..." You mumbled to yourself as you tried to gather the courage to get out of the bed.

While rubbing your eyes, you let out a yawn. You then got up from your bed, observing your surrounding with both your hands on your waist.

Spectating at your cozy-yet-feels-empty apartment, you thought to yourself how this place would feel much like a home if you could share it with someone you love.

You started to do your morning routine. Just as you finished doing all your stuff, you stood in front of a mirror. You put on an outfit that Minju would love the most. Unconsciously, a sound of a girl echoed inside your head.

"Omo, oppa! This is a perfection! You look ten times hotter with a turtleneck". She complimented you as she stood right next to you in front of a mirror at a clothes shop.

Wanting to have the best appearance, you then threw a navy blue blazer over your shoulder to put on it. You glanced at the table beside you, noticing a cologne that hasn't been used for a while. You grabbed it gently then sprayed it onto your pulse and neck.

"It's been a while that I don't use this cologne. No wonder, since this one is your favourite, I'm only using it when I'm about to meet you. This scent belongs to you and only you" you said to yourself as you put on a smile in the mirror, then readied yourself to go.

The weather was quite friendly. A breeze of love blew through the city of Seoul as a lot of couples can be seen everywhere around the city, an atmosphere that couldn't be any better.

You drove past the street with a bouquet of flower at the passanger seat. You tapped you fingers onto the steering wheel as you enjoy some classical piano pieces playing on your radio, the kind of music Minju would love to listen to.

"This kind of music never fails to calm me down. Everytime I listen to classical music, it feels like I'm in a world of my own. You should try to listen to it, oppa!" Minju said as you and her were driving through the beautiful city lights of Soeul.

Mintues passed by, you then arrived at the very house you've been familiar with. You stopped for a while, looking at the house where the prettiest woman ever exist lived in. You smiled, then continued to drive past the house.

As you kept on driving, the clouds started to form themselves up in the sky, indicating a rain is about to come. "Shit, better get myself hurry" You mumbled to youself as you stepped deeper on the gas.

You then arrived at your real destination. Not many people can be seen around the place as the clouds getting heavier. You took a bouquet beside you as you get out of the car. You walked past several spots with various names written on it. After a couple of mintues of walking, you then arrived at the very spot. You stood there silently, in front of a tomb with a beautiful name written on it,

Kim Minju.

"Happy birthday, my love, Minju-ya"

You said softly as you put the bouquet of flower next to the tomb. Your hand reached one of your pocket, grabbing a piece of paper that seemed to be a letter. You took a deep breath then proceed to read the letter you've prepared.

"Hi, Minju, it's me, your beloved, your one and only, your first and last ever boyfriend, Kim Y/N.

Do you miss me? Cause I miss you so much. To be honest, I still have no idea how I could've survived till this day. The thoughts of me having to continue my life without you actually makes me questioning about my existence. Do I have any purpose on continuing life? What's the point of it if I don't have you here beside me?

But guess that's not something you would want to see, right? I know you'd be sad if you see me endlessly mourning over your death. That's why I gathered all the courage that's left in me to step ahead. Whatever happens, life goes on, right?

I still love the feel of your name on my lips. Your scent still lingers even when you're not here anymore. Even though I can't touch your body anymore, I can't hug you whenever I miss you, I can't see the sweet smile of yours that always makes my heart flutters, I can't hear the angelic voice that always comforts me, your presence will be eternal, here inside my heart.

It's been three years since you left me here. Ever since that day, not even a single day I feel like I'm not missing you. I still remember the last time you were still able to talk to me, lying helplessly on your bed. You said to me that I have to find someone else once you're gone. But how could I do such things? You're the only one for me, Minju. How could I ever love someone else?

Now, here I am. In front of you, with your favourite turtleneck that you said I look ten times hotter on it, as well with the scent of a cologne you once picked for me. Hope this can make you smile even though I won't be able to see it.

Happy birthday, Kim Minju! I will never stop loving you until my very last breath. Untill the day I can finally follow your step and meet you in heaven."

Just as you finished reading your letter, rain slowly poured all over you. Leaving you helplessly wet, leaving you drowned in the ocean of tears.

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