2 things i want - Yeh Shuhua

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In this busy world, where people be minding their own business, drown in the restless life of theirs, why should we bother about what others think?

"Yah Kim Y/N! Aish there you are"

There she goes, the bubbly girl who always shows the cheerful side of hers, the one who always lifts me up whenever I'm having a bad day. The one who's always strong despite other people be throwing some inappropriate words towards her, jealous of her, maybe?

"Oh, what brings you here?" I asked her softly, staring at the panting girl who's trying to catch her breath as if she's a marathon winner who's been running for miles.

"N-no...thing..." She answered while grabbing her chest. "I just... kinda get the feeling you'd be here. Besides, it's your favourite place to spend the weekend afternoon, isn't it?"

I only smiled at her, the girl who seems to know me so much. Aren't those little things she does that makes me feel special?

"Anyway, sit here, queen" I moved aside a bit to give her space.

"Q-queen? Yah, what you mean?" She replied sttuterly with her not-so-red-blushing cheek.

"Queencard, I mean" I said shortly but playful.

She couldn't help but to throw a disappointed face at my daddy jokes.

"Aish, sh... Anyway, brought your favourite hot cup of matcha"

The smooth hand of her offered me my favourite drink. For me, it doesn't feel like she's offering a drink but a heart instead. Funny, right? Perhaps, this is how fallin in love feels like. It's as if the smallest affection gives off the biggest impact to my heart.

"You do know me so well, I guess?" I said to her with a smirk.

"Or course I do? I've known you for years remember?" She countered me right after she sipped her hot matcha.

The warm afternoon covered the air of Seoul. Birds singing in the sky, leaves were falling down slowly from its tree, while the sun setting out a perfect golden ray, beaming its most beautiful aura before giving its turn to the moon.

As I watch the comforting scene in front of me, I look aside, realizing something's also shining brightly but it ain't sun. It's you, Yeh Shuhua. The girl I've known for many years, the girl I admire and adore. Oh, should I tell her how I really feel?

"S-shuhua" I break off the silence.

"Mmh?" She replied cutely, with a bit of foam hanging out on her lips, making me anxious as I try to wipe it out gently.

"You said you know me, right?" I asked her with a serious look, only to receive no response due to her malfunctioning.

"Yah" I wave my hand in front of her not responding face.

"O-oh, y-yea. Yes, I do know you, Y/N" She shook her head lightly as she gained her consciousness back.

"Then, let me ask you something. What are the two things I want in life?"

"Umm? Well, let me guess... To have a cup of hot matcha while watching the sunset, just like this?"

"Damn girl, you do know me" I let out a quick laugh that soon followed by hers.

"Then, what about the other one?" I continued to ask.

"Well that one I'm not really sure but... I don't know, become rich, maybe?" She said as she tilts her head, narrowing her eyes as she tries to give it some effort to guess.

"Nope" short answer from me to turn down all her guessing game.

"Ah, to travel and visit Bali. You've always told me about how much you wanna go there!" She clapped her hands with her bowl eyes as that idea suddenly came up.

"Well you got a point there, but in this case, that's not the answer" I replied calmy after taking another sip of my matcha.

"Then what is it, Y/N?" She finally gave up, ended up begging for the answer with the curiousity beaming thorugh her sweet eyes.

"So... The first thing I want in life is to have a cup of matcha while enjoying the sunset in this cozy afternoon, and of course, with you"

I guess my answer kind of stunned her a bit as she gave me no response.

"Second one, is... I want to... love you right" I continued. This time, I can see Shuhua's literally stunned. Guess she wasn't expecting to hear such an answer.

"To make you feel loved, to make you feel better when you're not okay, to laugh and cry with you, to encourage you all the time, to support you, to be your safe place, to hold you tight when you're having panic attacks, to be your safe place, and to be with you untill my last breath if the universe let me to"

I let out everything. Every thoughts and every dreams I kept to myself. All the things I've been craving to tell her, I let it all out.

Shuhua, hearing all those words probably hit her emotionally, I guess? It's because now she can be seen shedding out some tears, seemingly going down slowly though her cheek. As soon as I notice her wet cheek, she suddenly turns her head away from me, avoiding eye contact as she wipes her cheek.

"S-since... when?" Shuhua asked immediately after turning back her heard towards me, leaving us staring at each other deeply.

Urgency is visible within her, from her eyes, from her tone, seemingly uneasy as she finds no comfort. But, judging from her tone, no irritation is hinted but a genuine behavior instead.

"Last year, when you came to my place after finishing your dance practice, that was the moment. I love how vulnerable you looked that time. Your make up washed out, showing some hints of your eye bags. That time, you weren't 'The Yeh Shuhua' people be talking all the time. You were just an ordinary girl, who wants to survive through the day" I said as she was stunned.

"I fancy you, Shuhua, I really do, from the bottom of my heart" I added.

This time, she didn't hesitate. She also let it all out, her tears. No words were spoken by I can see the sincerity and how genuine her tears were.

"Y-Y/N... I really can't believe this" that was the sentence she said after hearing my confession.

"I-I... honestly had no idea back then about my feelings towards you. All I knew was that I always wanted to spend as much time, and was always happy when you were around. It keeps tickling me inside, until today, I guess I can finally be sure about how I'm feeling towards you. I like you too, Kim Y/N" She replied, letting out the truth from her side as well.

"But, if I may ask, why me?" She added.

"I don't know, Shu. Do I look like I have the full control of my feelings?" I replied to her unnecessary question.

"Well who knows? Maybe you do"

She replied, chuckling.

As the sun had finally fully set, the golden hour that was shining warmly, covering the city of Seoul which was filled by lovers, is now replaced by the dark blue sky and the moon who's preparing to shine, doing its job covering the world with its lovely light through the night.

This time, I've been able to experience one of the best feelings in life. The two things I wanted. Enjoying a sunset, with a simple hot cup of matcha, and being able to love someone whom I may now consider as my lover.

Tu est ma joie de vivre, je t'adore, Yeh Shuhua.

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