45 minutes - Cho Miyeon

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The sound of a heavy rain filled the silence. The streets, that were usually filled with cars and people, now seemed so quiet. The golden sun that used to shine warmly had to give up its energy to the dark and gloomy afternoon.

Although the rain was pouring so heavily, a few people could still be seen wandering around the street. Some of them seemed to be walking normally with an umbrella, while others seemed to be in a mess, trying to get through the unfriendly weather, helplessly wet.

In front of a convenience store, a man could be seen having one of the worst day of his life. Sitting all by himself, with one of his hand holding a cigarette.

While he was looking down on the ground, tears started to form up in both of his eyes. Slowly dripping down as he had no power to hold it back.

A paper could be seen just next to him. He gave it a glance then started to pick it up. He held onto it, getting his grip stronger and stronger until the moment he decided to throw it away.

"Fuck it. I'm so done with everything..." he said weakly in the middle of his cry.

The paper he threw away slowly melted away, destroyed by the wet of rain.

As the guy cried the hell out of him, a girl was seen running towards him. Running in the middle of the rain, she seemed to be searching for some shelter. The girl then arrived at the same convenience store as the guy.

Without paying too much attention, the girl sat in the seat next to the guy. Noticing this, the guy immediately stopped his crying as he didn't want to be seen crying in public.

"Sorry, were you crying?" the girl asked the guy politely.

"Ah, no. I think you misunderstood" he replied while wiping his cheek.

"You sure? But your eyes seem wet" she said as she didn't quite believe him.

"No it's just... it's... ah, this cigarette. The smoke accidentally hit my eyes" he answered nervously, looking for an excuse.

"Hmm? Ah I see..." she replied to him pretending to believe him.

The guy then just stared at her, leaving both of them to an awkward silence. The girl moved her eyes to look at other direction. Just as she's doing it, she accidentally stepped on something,  a piece of paper that the guy had just thrown. She then picked it up and scanned it thoroughly. Despite the paper being so much wrecked, she still managed to see what's on it. A picture of a man dressed up formally, followed with a name on it saying Kim Y/N. She then thought to herself, assuming it must be a CV.

"Excuse me, is this yours?" she asked to the guy next to her.

"Hmm? Ah yea it's mine. But I don't need it anymore. My bad, should've thrown in straight to the trash can." he answered the girl with a flat tone as he politely took the paper from her.

"Ah... But why though? It seems like some kind of CV if I'm not mistaken" she replied to him, being curious about why he wanted to throw it away.

"Nothing. It's just... I just, don't need it anymore" he answered.

The girl just nodded softly in agreement. Deep inside she still wanna know more, but she thought to herself it may be inappropriate. She then thought more to herself, thinking that the guy must have been through something difficult. Being a talkative girl she is, she then said something to the guy.

"I'm so sorry. Must have been tough for you"

"Sorry?" the guy suddenly stared at the girl.

"Nothing, just want to cheer you up" she said while avoiding his eyes.

The guy let out a sigh. "Thanks. I appreciate it" he said to the girl."

"Don't mention. You know, we all go through difficult times, it's always okay not to feel okay sometimes. Take your time and know that you have to bounce back stronger. Omo, what am I even saying, sorry for talking to much. Guess I gotta stop talking now".

The girl suddenly realized what she's doing. She then decided to stop talking, afraid she would make the guy feel uncomfortable. Unbeknownst to her, the guy couldn't help but to put on a soft smile at her affection.

"It's okay, keep talking please" the guy said to her.

"Eh?" the girl suddenly looked at him, while the guy just gave her a soft nod.

"Cho Miyeon" she said to him while offering him a handshake.

"Kim Y/N" he answered as he shook her hand gently.

The two then continued to talk about a lot of things. Mostly it was Miyeon who's being dominant since she's a talkative person. She told him many stuff, like where does she live, what does she do for a living and what's her interests. Y/N who was in a very gloomy and desperate mood, felt like a sun has shine directly to him after what seemed to be an endless rain.

While both of them were drowned in a fascinating talk, a notification popped on Y/N's phone making its screen lit up. With a quick glance Y/N checked on his phone, noticing a message from his friend Yuqi and the time that's showing 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Y/N didn't care enough about the notification and kept on paying attention at Miyeon who's being so much talkative.

The rain finally stopped, the gloomy and dark afternoon is now replaced by the sun who's slowly shining through the clouds. Noticing this, Miyeon told Y/N that she got to go.

"Y/N-ssi, it's been a pleasure talking to you. Remember to take a break whenever you feel tired and you've had enough. The sun will rise again and we'll try again!" she said to him cheerfully as she stood up for her seat, preparing herself to go.

"Thanks Miyeon-ssi, it was nice talking to you as well" he replied with a smile on his face.

Miyeon and Y/N then started to walk separately. Just as they both slowly distancing each other, Miyeon turned and called Y/N as she still had something to say.

"Y/N-ssi! I forgot to ask, how old are you by the way?" she asked him.

Y/N then turned into her as well and answered "45 minutes".

"Sorry?" Miyeon replied in confusion.

Y/N slowly started to walk towards Miyeon, closing the gap until they were literally face to face.

"I said I'm 45 minutes old" he said to her.

"I..." she paused a bit as she's thinking "...don't understand".

"The moment you started talking, the moment I was born and started to feel alive for the first time".

He said to her softly, leaving both of them smiling widely to each other.


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