late night call - Oh Haewon

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"Should I... or shouldn't I?"

You mumbled to yourself as you were fighting with your own feeling.

You had been staring at your phone, staring at the very name, the specific one.

It was no other than Haewon.

You and Haewon.

Both of you had been a best friend for years. The way you two get along so well that sometimes people tend to misunderstood you as a couple.

People had been saying that it's impossible for men to be best friend with women. Either of you would end up catching feelings for the other.

As for you and Haewon, well, that seemed to be the case.

You lost to your own feelings. You couldn't keep your heart from not falling for her. Well, who wouldn't? It was the Oh Haewon afterall.

You had been keeping it as a secret for a long time. The thoughts of you might ruin everything had been haunting you.

It was until the moment you just couldn't keep it to yourself anymore that you decided to tell her everything about your respective feelings towards her.

You were scared, so much. You were scared of the thoughts that she didn't have the same feelings, the thoughts of her rejecting you and might as well cut ties with you.

Well, it was right. The moment you decided to confess everything to her, the moment you learnt that she didn't share the mutual feelings. Your feelings were rejected.

But thanks to her, she didn't cut ties with you. Well, she was surprised as hell when she heard about it and she did find it awkward. But, that didn't make her hate you whatsoever. In fact, she rejected you, but at the same time she didn't want to lose you as her best friend. She wanted everything to stay as the way they were.

You, on the other hand were glad about it. But as the time went by, you realised that you couldn't be the same man you were. It hurted you so much to keep on seing a girl that you love but didn't have the same feelings, the one who rejected you.

"I'm so sorry Haewon-ah"

Mumbling slowly, you gathered all the courage, landing your finger on the call button.

You waited for quite some time. Realising she might not pick it up, you started to think of ending it.

Just when you were about to hang up, a soft voice of a woman could be heard through your phone.


"Hi, Haewon"

"What up, Y/N?"

"Nothing, just wanted to check up on you. I thought you slept already"

"Well, I was a bit sleepy but I don't wanna sleep yet, so..."

"Well, I see..."

You and her fell into silence for a few seconds. Until Haewon finally broke the silence.

"What is it, Y/N?"

"Haewon, I..." you tried to say something as your voice started to get shaky.

"What happened Y/N? Were you having a rough day? Did something bad happen?"

You froze for a few seconds. The fact that she was still this nice and care for you even after everything you said to her completely mixed up your feelings.


"Ah yea, s-sorry..."

"What happened?"

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