Han River at Night - Jo Yuri

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"Yah Kim Y/N! Stop or I'll kill you!"

Yuri shouted to a guy that could be seen running away from her.

It was a cozy night at the very Han River. A place where loads of couple are having the time of their life.

As for Yuri, she seems to be having the time
of her life as well. Going out on a date with his lovely boyfriend, Kim Y/N.

"Catch me if you can, hamster!" Y/N said to Yuri in a playful tone while still running away from her.

"Aish I don't care! I'm not gonna chase you. This hamster is exhausted you know" Yuri whined as she stops herself from chasing that guy.

Being aware of it, Y/N then turns his head just to see his adorable girlfriend is already with her hands on her knees. Being a soft hearted man he is, Y/N then walks towards Yuri and wraps his hand around her shoulder.

"Aigoo, my poor hamster. Sorry for making you tired" Y/N said to her in a cute tone while softly rubbing her cheeck.

"Sorry ain't enough, oppa" Yuri replied while still trying to catch her breath.

"What? What am I supposed to do then?" Y/N replied in confusion then starts to think. "Ohh I have an idea" he added.

Y/N then starts to piggyback his girlfriend. Yuri, who's exhausted after all those running thingy couldn't resist and just let her boyfriend piggyback her.

"Aish oppa-" Yuri said while giggling to him before being cut.

"Shh, shut up and just enjoy the ride" Y/N said to her.

Y/N then starts walking slowly with Yuri being carried on his back like a toddler who's being tired after playing all day long.

The weather was so friendly, not as cold as usual. Well, it's a summer night afterall.

"Oppa, aren't you hungry?" Yuri asked to him cutely.

"Hungry? It's been a while I don't feel that kind of thing" Y/N replied.

"Mwo? What kind of nonsense is that?" Yuri then respond in confusion, followed by Y/N who could only chuckle at her.

"If I'm being hungry, I know you'll be ordering that favourite pizza of yours with pineapple on top of it just like everytime, eww" Y/N teased his girlfriend while rolling his eyes.

"What?" Yuri replied in disbelief. "Oppa, you must be having some kind of sense malfunction then. Pineapple on pizza is literally a chef's kiss" she added.

"I'm sorry Yuri-ya. As a half Italian, I couldn't let my ancestors cry in despair" Y/N said to Yuri proudly, trying to be a patriotic hero.

"Hmm okay... What about pas-" Yuri said but then again being cut by Y/N.

"No. You should never break pasta into two"

"Aigoo, okay okay I understand, Mr. Italian" Yuri smiled then said it to him.

"Besides, seafood is better in every way" Y/N said to her.

"Ani! Those smells are horrible oppa stop it" Yuri replied to him then proceeds to give him a pout.

Y/N couldn't help but to laugh at her. "Now I got you back, Yuri-ya"

"Aish oppa~" Yuri whined and covered her face in Y/N's back who's still piggybacking her.

He laughs at Yuri's action then stops walking. "Yah, come down Yuri-ya. You're not tired anymore are you? Let's just walk. I may be young but my body feels like a 60 year old man trying to piggyback his grandchildren"

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