You Did Not - Yabuki Nako

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Remember that time when you taught me how to drive and I accidentally scratched your car?

"O-oppa... Would you mind teaching me how to drive?" asked the adorable girl who had been staring at the man beside her controlling the steering wheel and doing all the footwork.

"W-what? All of a sudden? I thought you had no interest on driving" replied the man who's no other than Nako's boyfriend, Kim Y/N.

"Well I kinda... you know, changed my mind a bit hehe" she said playfully.

"Boy that's great then! Hold up, let me find a spot to pull over real quick" Y/N spectating the road, searching for a safe place to pull over.

"Okay miss Nako, the car's all yours" he said as he unfasten both his and Nako's seat belt then switching side with her.

Nako nervously got on the driver's side, doing all the pre-routine such as adjusting the seat, fastening the belt, and checking on the shifter.

"So, since it's a manual car, what about learning the gears first? So the gears are as it's written on the shifter. The first gear g-"

"Oppa, I know it. I'm not a kindergarten you know~" Nako cut him playfully.

"Oh, okay... Then I guess you know how to drive, go ahead" Y/N replied in a bland tone, pretending to be mad at her, looking away as he crossed his arms.

"Ah oppa! I'm just kidding you know. How do I control these pedals" Nako shook his shoulder as her foot softly stomping randomly at the pedals.

"Hmm okay okay. So, firstly step on the clutch, done? Then move the shifter to the first gear, got it?" Y/N instructed her as Nako followed all of it.

"Release the handbrake, then try to gently let go of the clutch. As you let go of the clutch, try to gently step on the gas" he said as he carefully inspecting Nako's footwork.

The engine screamed but the car didn't move forward. "Okay, try to let go even more with the cl-" Y/N didn't get to finish his sentence due to the car's stalling, making both of them shocked.

"A-Ah, sorry" Nako replied with worried look on her face.

"It's okay Nako-ya, first times are never meant to be easy. Lets' try again" Y/N patiently guided her.

Things went pretty well. A few stalls along the way but eventually Nako managed to get the car going on a straight line. A thing that unconsciously brought a smile to both of them.

"Great job Nako-ya! Now, there's a cross section ahead, try to slowly turn right" he said as he pointed his finger towards the right side of the road.

"O-okay, here we go..." Nako slowly stepped on the brake then turning the steering to the right with the not-so-smooth motion that it made the car wobble a bit.

"O-oh, careful there's a p-" the sound of the car scratching its side broke inside the cabin.

"Kyaa!" Nako was shocked when she realized the car she was driving hit a pole at the corner of the section.

"Ouch, looks like you just clipped a pole" Y/N said as he turning his head around to inspect the surroundings.

"O-omo! What do I do? O-oppa what do I do? Omo I'm so so sorry..." Nako panicked as spoke in stutter.

"Gwaenchana-yo, let's go outside" Y/N comforted his panic girlfriend.

Went outside, they noticed a stripe dent on the right side of the car which made Nako felt guilty that she started to cry.

"O-oppa... I'm so so sorry" she clinged her head onto Y/N's chest.

"No no no, don't worry Nako-ya, it's totally okay" he patted her head gently to comfort his crying girlfriend.

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