What I Should've Done - Leeseo

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"Yo Y/N! Wait up!" Mark shouted as he neared the retreating figure of Y/N.

Mark is panting as Y/N is walking quite fast, as if he's running from something.

"Y/N! Bro, wait a minute" Mark said while pulling Y/N's shoulder to stop him from walking any further.

Mark was about to say something to Y/N when he turned his shoulder, but that thought instantly disappeared when he sees Y/N's face.

It was lifeless, Y/N's eyes are dull and not lively. His face is emotionless, that even Mark wonders is Y/N the best friend that he knew for a long time? Because it was so different from the happy and cheerful he once was.

"What is it Mark?" Y/N asked simply, but Mark knew that his eyes tells more about his feelings from the event that transpired earlier.

Without a word and a second thought, Mark hugged Y/N tightly, but Y/N just stood still.

"I'm here for you" Mark said to Y/N "You know that right?"

Slowly but surely the dam that hold Y/N emotion break through, and he hugged Mark back albeit weakly.

"What did I do wrong man" Y/N said in a low voice.

Both of them separated and Mark sling his arm over Y/N's shoulder "You did nothing wrong Y/N, trust me" He said reassuringly.

"But she's angry at me Mark, I should apologize but I didn't know what I did wrong to her" Y/N said.

Hearing this Mark knew that he have to talk some sense into Y/N.

"Come on bro, let's sit for a while" Mark said as he guided Y/N to the nearest bench.

"Listen Y/N, maybe you don't see what's going on with you and Minji, but I did" Mark said.

Confused to what Mark said, Y/N asked "What do you mean by that"

"I've been observing the both of you for a while, and I want you to think really hard Y/N. How is Minji recently?" Mark started to say.

"She's-" Y/N started to say "Really sensitive nowadays" He finished saying.

When he said that, Y/N started recalling how Minji have been acting to him. At first she acted just like the usual, she's very close to Y/N considering they are childhood friend. Minji is the cheerful girl that always laugh at what Y/N joked, she clings to Y/N all the time, acted cute to him, and even when she's mad at Y/N she is just acting. But as time pass she started to change little by little, now she seems to be annoyed at Y/N act of kindness and his attention.

Y/N ponder for a minute before he looks at Mark and said "Is she... Is she tired of me?"

"Maybe Y/N, we never know. But one thing I know is-" He started to say "Embrace the presence before the absence" He said while clasping Y/N's shoulder.

"What do you mean by that?" Y/N asked.

"Know your worth Y/N, don't waste your time on the people that don't appreciate you" Mark said.

Hearing this Y/N felt like Mark's word is the truth, and he lowered his head to think about this whole ordeal. As he thinks the bell started ringing, indicating it was time to head back to class.

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